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Everyone writes. Kludd is for everyone.
Type. Share. Collaborate. Grow together. Anywhere and everywhere.
Type. Share. Collaborate. Grow together. Anywhere and everywhere.
Write together, anytime, anywhere

P-A Gustafsson
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Hello writers 👋
And that’s literally all of you, actually. Because we all write. Tell stories. And share them. In mails, texts, presentations, articles, novels, screen plays, video game scripts and forum posts. And we do it together. Writers, editors, publishers, actors, producers, directors, colleagues, friends, readers, students, teachers.
We at Future Memories ( have...
Write together, anytime, anywhere

Star Jolt is a loving memory of, and a tribute to, early 80s arcades and lo-fi home consoles. We've tried to capture the tight gameplay, the difficulty that makes every highscore oh so rewarding, and the aesthetics of that era.
Available on iOS and Android 🚀
Star Jolt
Retro arcade high score chaser that is sure to challenge you

P-A Gustafsson
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Awesome rocket and lovely game. Good job Erik & Elin! 😊
How good astronauts are you Product hunters? 🚀
Star Jolt
Retro arcade high score chaser that is sure to challenge you

Get creative and make your everyday surroundings spring to life with the Nception app: Create surreal Inception-like videos by choosing from a collection of reality distortion presets and looks – in real time. Or take stunning stills using the same presets combined with an extensive color looks collection. You’ll be surprised how inspiring it is!
Bend your reality.

Picular is a rocket fast primary color generator using Google's image search. If you ever needed the perfect yellow hex code from a banana, this is the tool for you!
Google, but for colors.

P-A Gustafsson
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Quality of projects for sale need to improve significantly.
Transferslot 2.0
Easily buy and sell side-projects