My name is Olga Naida I am CEO and co-founder of Glocal - international SEO set up in 1 day. Top 10 startups founded by women according to feminno. Lecturer at Netology and co-founder of the Unicorn Witnesses community. I previously worked as a web and product designer and worked on Business Youth Institute, Web Hosting Center, and chatbot constructor multy. Failed with startups Muteit 2022, CloMark 2021, Avtopilot 2.0 2020, Utty 2019 My interests: Product design, bootstrapping startups, mentor in community nonprofits tech Unicorn Witnesses. Photography, is in the top 10% on Unsplash (71M views). I shoot in Russia and around the world: 8 countries. Calligraphy: Facebook: https://facebook.com/nyannayda Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/olianayda

Maker History
- Gloc.al – International SEO SaaSOptimize website grow business worldwide up to 100 markets.88+lang. International-SEO-As-A-ServiceJan 2023