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Yesterday is a newsletter service that lets you can receive updates of your favorite websites every morning at 8am. Keep up to date with the latest news of the sites you like the most right in your Inbox.

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Elad Gil's blog and his book "High Growth Handbook" primarily for later stage but there's good insights for early stage startups too.
What's the best book or blog you recommend to founders who are looking to scale their startups?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Hi, Yesterday is a newsletter service where you can get updates from all your favorite websites/ blogs and read them in one single e-mail. We've been using RSS for a long time but we wanted some kind of tool to get updates from sites that doesn't support RSS as well (and I'm not a fan of subscribing to every newsletter. It clutters my inbox too much). Our team created Yesterday so we'll know...

Yesterday beta
Read updates from your favorite websites in a single mail

Curated list of 2020 Tech Landscape Maps from around the world. 🌎 🌍 🌏
Find out how the wold tech landscape currently looks like.

World Tech Landscape 2020
Curated list of Tech Landscape Maps from around the world

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Hi Makers,
I recently launched Logo map maker(, a tool to help you create a landscape map. As part of my research building the app, I’ve been collecting tech landscape maps and since now I have a fair amount of them, I decided to share the list to you all.
Tech industry is rapidly changing and for that reason I only included maps that were published in 2020.
The list is...

World Tech Landscape 2020
Curated list of Tech Landscape Maps from around the world

Logo Map Generator is a tool that helps you create slides like Positioning maps and Industry landscape diagrams.
To add a logo, simply enter a keyword or website url and take a screenshot. Build a compelling slide in minutes!

Logo Map Generator
Design tool to make Positioning maps and Industry landscapes

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Thanks for the detailed advice!
How did you create a demo video for your app?
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Hi Product Hunters!
I'm excited to share a small project that me and @tomohiro_onuma have been working on. It's a tool that helps you create Logo maps, which are one's that use company logos like Positioning maps and Industry landscape diagrams.
While these are great to have in your slide, it's pretty time consuming to make. You have to go to each company webpage, download logo, paste it to...

Logo Map Generator
Design tool to make Positioning maps and Industry landscapes