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Olga Annenko
Marketing Manager,
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31 points
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Olga Annenko
left a comment
4yr ago
For personal stuff, I've been using Slite for quite sometime (definitely over 2 years), and I love it. Note taking, sharing to-dos, creating training plans, organizing projects – it's been perfect for every possible scenario so far. For work, it's native Notes app by Mac, although I mostly use it for drafting some short text snippets and such.
Do you use notetaking apps? Which one would you suggest and why? 🙏🏼
Barış Bingöl
Join the discussion
Olga Annenko
left a comment
4yr ago
Really cool product! I've already tried it and found some content ideas I haven't thought about previously :) Thank you!
Answer Socrates
Discover content ideas using real Google data
Olga Annenko
left a comment
4yr ago
I've been using it for a while and for some reason, it started removing important emails as well, the ones I never added to Unsubscribe. Besides, it's not really unsubscribing you from emails; it just labels them and moves to another folder, kinda like Spam folder. Had to delete the extension as it is too buggy to use and doesn't solve the actual problem.
Gmail Unsub
Unsubscribe Gmail emails in a single click. 100% private
Olga Annenko
left a comment
4yr ago
How reliable is the database that this salary checker uses? Because if it is reliable, I'm in shock at how small my current salary is compared to what it is supposed to be 😱😱😱 Putting this fact aside, though, the tool is indeed really super easy and fun to use! I'd say, the best I've seen so far.
Salary Checker Chatbot
Discover how much you should be paid
Olga Annenko
left a comment
6yr ago
Tried Birdies while staying in Paris for about a week last October. It was so much fun, although depending on the distance you need to cover - not exactly the cheapest one. We actually brought our bicycles with us to move around Paris. Used them once, then tried Birdies just for fun - and that's it, we fell in love with them, bicycles were forgotten for the rest of our stay. Again, this is not...
Enjoy the ride - quick scooter hires for city commutes
Olga Annenko
left a review
6yr ago
Explore your city with a Bird’s eye view. Skip the car, and take flight with Bird scooters and personal electric vehicles.
Olga Annenko
left a comment
7yr ago
Interesting tool, I'm certainly going to try it out. But. First, how do I know that the 20 free credits were indeed activated? There is absolutely no info on that in my dashboard whatsoever (already registered and confirmed the registration). And secondly, what are the payment options? There is no info on that either. Do you accept, say, PayPal?
Boost Editor
The AI your content can’t live without
Olga Annenko
left a comment
7yr ago
Great idea, but I guess only for those who sleep alone :-D If I decided one morning to "wake out", my husband would just throw me off the bed, at the latest when I'd do the bed climbers...
A new way to wake up—with workouts you do in your pajamas
+1 comment
Olga Annenko
left a comment
7yr ago
Usual question when another great product arrives and it's for iPhone only: Any plans for Android?
Learn languages more efficiently with spaced repetition
Olga Annenko
left a comment
7yr ago
Amazing idea, can't wait for Flymble for Germany. Is it possible to sign up to your newsletters to stay up to date to the new countries added?
Book a flight for 1/10 of the cost upfront.
+1 comment
Olga Annenko
left a comment
8yr ago
I think this is a brilliant idea, I've been using Duolingo for French for a while now and I absolutely love it, but I definitely need and want more than it can offer. Your app is exactly what I'm missing on Duolingo, and in this light, my question is: How about making Linguician a mobile app (preferably Android first:-D)? Or let's say, are you planning to do this in some more or less near future?
Learn languages with music
+1 comment
Olga Annenko
left a comment
8yr ago
I'm sure it's a very fine product, but $150? Come on, I got SkullCandy Wireless for the third of this price, and I absolutely love them. The only thing they don't have is magnets, but I kinda don't see the point of these. As for the rest - I use them for cycling and during my training; I even do handstands in them - they stay around my neck in 90% of the time. They have a mic, and they last...
Wireless earphones with 8 hour charge
Olga Annenko
left a comment
8yr ago
Nice idea, but still very buggy. I'm using it for only like a couple of hours, and it already crashed one time. Thank goodness it saved/restored my text automatically. But even without that, the grammar check works weirdly: marks certain parts of words red and then refuses to recognize the whole word. I tried to use it with Dictation on Mac - almost all words were marked red, even though they...
Smart editor that helps you write better content, faster
Olga Annenko
left a comment
9yr ago
Is it only for Apple products or Android is also supported?
The best way for designers to record & share user interviews
Olga Annenko
left a comment
9yr ago
This is a great site. I was actually looking for something just like that. I just wish there were also a female model showing exercises that don't require any dumbbells or anything like that. Just own weight. That would have been awesome!
Muscle Wiki
Understand your body, simplify your workouts
+1 comment
Olga Annenko
left a comment
9yr ago
The only question I have - when can you be expected to enter the European market?:-) I would loooove to buy these.
GO CUBES Chewable Coffee
Keep your coffee in your pocket instead of a cup
Olga Annenko
left a comment
9yr ago
Hey Product Hunters, we're proud to introduce our developer-friendly set of tools for connecting various apps with each other. @elasticio is actually an integration platform as a service, but the Developer edition allows to create custom integration components for web applications and host them right on the platform. There are two open-source SDKs - one for Java and one for Node.js - (other... Developer Edition
Build integration components for web apps w/ Java & Node.js
Olga Annenko
hunted Developer Edition
9yr ago Developer Edition
Build integration components for web apps w/ Java & Node.js
Olga Annenko
left a comment
9yr ago
Nice concept, but what I like most about it is that you can actually share the access with your team, and then maintain all the contacts together keeping everything up-to-date.
Organise your network of journalists and bloggers
Olga Annenko
9yr ago
Organise your network of journalists and bloggers