Nik Mil

Nik Mil

Designer and Founder at
59 points
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Nik Mil
Imagine the Maze, Asana, Typeform, and InVision coming together in one intuitive platform. Collect design feedback, track bugs, manage projects, and run usability tests - all while keeping your team in sync and smiling.
Think Maze, Asana, Typeform, and InVision but in one tool...
Nik Mil
Design wireframes for any screen, create low-fidelity wireframes online.
Choose element you need, and simple drag & drop in canvas.
Simple Wireframing - Evrybo
Simple Wireframing - Evrybo
Free and simple online wireframing
Nik Mil
Evrybo makes it super easy to invite your teammates and clients
to leave comments directly on your designs.
βœ… Design Collaboration
βœ… Wireframing
βœ… Prototyping
βœ… Usability Testing
Free design collaboration, prototyping and wireframing tool
Nik Mil

Free design collaboration and prototyping tool