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Nick Kwan
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Great product and great team!
Collect & trade cards on the 1st real-time fractional market

Nick Kwan
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Also in Berlin! Sweet idea 👌 No wonder response rates from my Kickstarter outbound blasts are low...even one of the top datasources you have is Kickstarter 😂
A data exchange network. What dataset are you looking for?

Nick Kwan
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Love Franz! A bit confused...does this live inside Slack now? Or just look a lot more like Slack instead of the past UI? 🤔
Franz 5
One desktop app for (almost) all of your messaging apps

Nick Kwan
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Love to product @ashwinizer @therajabishek @niksilver22, very smart niche in the crowded space of lead gen startups. You guys should start a FB group! I know a few other growth people guys in our space and would be awesome to collab with other like-minded folks. Didn't see other good b2b ecom FB groups out there, either!

1 million eCommerce leads - recommended by algorithms

Blockspring Scripts makes it easy to build add-ons for your favorite apps.
Blockspring Scripts
Add-ons for your favorite apps by writing simple scripts.

Nick Kwan
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Literally the only app where you don't have to click or hotkey anything. Beautiful. Clean. Looked all over for a similar app but free but couldn't find one 😂 😂 Great work @reimertz
The macOS app for anyone working in multiple timezones.

Nick Kwan
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@carlvlewis @vongillern @sr_visual_info Any apps you know that display your tabular data beautifully (not charts, but just simple data tables)? Ideally it'd be a web-app/plugin that'd allow you to import a CSV, you play with the colors/formatting, and then potentially iframe it. In terms of appearance, I'm looking for something as if Stripe made it or something 😍 😍
Curated collection of the 400 best data visualization tools

Nick Kwan
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Heard great things about Instawork and @sumirmeghani's team!

Find great restaurant jobs for free.

Nick Kwan
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Literally been sourcing candidates all day, using Hunter just to save profiles, and then HolaConnect to find personal emails, and then importing into Quickmail for drip campaigning. Damn. Would love to test this out @nbushak @sbartel

Gem (Formerly ZenSourcer)
The Platform for Modern Recruiting

Nick Kwan
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@paptom, you are one good looking dude
The Milestone Referral by Viral Loops
Community & email list building with company swag 🎁

Nick Kwan
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@andrewmason huge fan of detour, done almost all the routes with my family. Even my dad has to admit someone has finally one-upped his once untouchable Rick Steves guide 😂 Just wondering, do you ever worry about over-saturation of the routes? Just moved to Berlin though, I know what I'm doing this weekend!

Detour 4.0
Immersive audio walks, now in 17 cities

Nick Kwan
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Differences compared to Pocket? I see the reading time feature which Pocket should've implemented years ago. I also see a reminder feature?

All the precious things you find on the internet.

Nick Kwan
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@konowy I think you're onto something more than just for book quotes. I've been looking for a longggg time for a tool to turn a picture into text quick and easily, but haven't found anything nice. There are plenty of apps to turn things into just searchable documents via OCR, but still nothing that results in something copy pastable.
Postepic 2.0
Capture quotes from books and turn them into images with OCR

Nick Kwan
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Differences compared to
Test the spam-y-ness of your emails

Nick Kwan
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Ah, only for Sierra, the ultimate battery life killer :(

Unsubscribe newsletters in one click. No cloud involved.

Nick Kwan
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Anybody have a plugin where you can add checkboxes to tasks and bulk move them?
Next Step for Trello
Check tasks directly from your Trello boards

Nick Kwan
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Shoutout to their development team as well. @jeremyboga, @eramdam + team are always super quick to help us at @Pakible!

Front for iOS
The first inbox for teams

Nick Kwan
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@jaredtking check it out. btw, have you thought about doing quotes or estimates within the same platform? would be so so amazing and so useful.

Invoice Maker
Generate your invoices online for free

Nick Kwan
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@pablohoffman @gpuliatti doesn't look like Portia can currently handle scraping Twitter. Linkedin is even more secure than Twitter...Am I doing something wrong or is this how it is? Any suggestions for another scraper? Looking for something web based / usable on Mac. is good, but a bit complex for us non-technicals.

Scrape websites visually