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Nousherwan Khan
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When I read the description I thought it's too good to be true, but looking into it more this looks very promising. Going to download it right now, since I would be on the pitching end I would love to see how this all works out, amazing idea and service!

Get paid $75 for your B2B SaaS feedback

Nousherwan Khan
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I am really interested in gamifying different experiences or specially tasks that are usually boring, this could really do wonders if implemented in a work setting.
Instead of 'oh damn I have to send 5 emails today', we could have a 'if i send 5 emails I'm going to progress further than my colleague and gain xyz badge or just even recognition'.
Looks like an amazing product!

Quest Engage
Gamified loyalty & engagement platform to 10x your growth

Nousherwan Khan
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oh damn this is like when we were kids and showed off which Pokemon or Duel Masters cards we had in school, but on a BIGGER scale!

Rare Candy
We make collecting trading cards fun

Nousherwan Khan
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This would work great with a couple or group of friends who have decided to start working out or exercising everyday!

Challenges to improve life

Nousherwan Khan
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This would make the lives of a marketer such as myself really easy, being able to look at the feedbacks and analyze it to make decisions on what we can improve or keep the same.

Get customer feedback that fuels growth

Nousherwan Khan
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This looks amazing, would you be up for a collaboration with a Recruiting Platform that uses AI to filter applicants? This could be an added benefit for those visiting the recruitment website and vice versa (having the recruitment platform link on your site).
Both the facilities would compliment each other well!

Say goodbye to resume stress and hello to job offers

Nousherwan Khan
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Wow, I haven't yet tried this but this seems like an amazing product. Would be really helpful for people who want to pick up small projects here and there and earn some money while collaborating with different brands and building their portfolio of experience.

Enabling opportunities through collaboration

Nousherwan Khan
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Oh this reminds me when I was a kid and back then we didn't have such advanced AI so I had to keep asking my grandmother to tell me the same story every night to goto sleep. Great product!

Tell Me A Story
Generate stories for your kids with images and narration

Nousherwan Khan
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What better proof do you need when you make your ad with your own software, great presentation!

Apple style launch videos made easy-breezy

Nousherwan Khan
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This looks like a Marketers DREAM!
Your ideas become visually compelling branded social posts

Nousherwan Khan
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This would be useful because I currently have all my passwords in my notes app. xD
The password manager that keeps your email secret too

Nousherwan Khan
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I'm setting up the bases for outreach and incoming traffic for our upgraded website that will go live in the next month or two, also finalizing the pricing strategies and fixing some bugs here and there.
What are your main objectives for the upcoming week?
Niroshan Ranapathi
Join the discussion

Nousherwan Khan
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This is something I didn't realize I could use, not just for tracking a certain products price, but even if I am someone who does business I can easily track the market rates of the product I am selling and have an edge over my competitors who have to check competitors websites everyday.

Track numbers, text and prices from virtually any website