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Shadcn but Full Stack. Headless UI components/APIs/Backend patterns that allow you to ship complete products fast. Instead of a starter or boilerplate - just copy the copy you need into your existing nextjs app.
Copy and Paste your backend. Full stack shadcn style blocks.

Jordan Gilliam
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I built cult ui pro to speed up my own product development. Shadcn made it super easy to copy and paste the design system layer into your app. Cult UI pro takes this concept across the full stack. :) Hope you enjoy it!
Copy and Paste your backend. Full stack shadcn style blocks.

Jordan Gilliam
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RAD! Awesome stuff ani. Keep grinding 🤘

Create a stunning resume portfolio in seconds, not hours

Open source shadcn style components crafted for design engineers. Copy and paste into your react apps. Customizable. Open Source. Typed with TS.

cult / ui
Open source components crafted for design engineers

Jordan Gilliam
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Open sourced some of my craft ❤️

cult / ui
Open source components crafted for design engineers

A free lightning fast snapshot of your website. SEO, Social OG Image previews, web vitals and more. You can even get AI recommendations for seo improvements.

Incredibly fast and free site audit - SEO and more

Jordan Gilliam
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I built this tool to finally learn seo and improve my ranking for all products. Its simple, fast, and easy to parse. You can even purchase the cleanmyseo source code at

Incredibly fast and free site audit - SEO and more

Jordan Gilliam
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Lexington themes are a great! I’ve never even used Astro and I’ve still found a ton of value in the product. Worth every penny 🤘

Lexington Themes
Free and premium Tailwind CSS & Astro themes and UI Kits

Travel stash allows you to plan any adventure any where in the world for free, in under a minute, and without providing your email. You can even access and edit your trip offline.

Travel Stash
Quickly plan your next trip for free.

Jordan Gilliam
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I built travel stash after scrambling and stressing out while planning a 3 week trip in europe. Travel stash solves all of the pain i experienced and we actually used the app to get around Iceland and Italy. Its simple and solves a real problem :)

Travel Stash
Quickly plan your next trip for free.

Jordan Gilliam
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Hello there PH! Glad to be back :) 👋 I'm a design engineer and langchain contributor. I love building tools that help devs ship fast and keep shipping fast. I'm stoked to offer you and the cult community everything I learn for years to come.
Hopefully I timed my launch correctly this time.

Full stack supabase vector template templates are
fully designed, production ready apps.
Manifest works like perplexity but for your own files, or your users files.
Its free to try before you buy :)

Full stack supabase vector template

Jordan Gilliam
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Hey Product Hunt 👋 I built cult as a toolkit for shipping AI Saas apps faster. From full shadcn dashboards to Supabase RLS policies - cult dev tools allow you to generate full stack features.
Inspired by vercels v0 - cult is optimized for copy paste. Just copy your generated UI, Nextjs API route, and Supabase schema then paste it into the cult classic saas starter and ship your idea in a day...

The only SaaS starter that comes with an AI Co-Founder

Cult is a collection of tools and templates for shipping AI saas apps like never before.

The only SaaS starter that comes with an AI Co-Founder

Jordan Gilliam
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Perfect timing! Was just looking to add JSON-LD learning paths to gnow. Congrats on the launch Fluree team!

JSON-LD Database by Fluree
Combines JSON's simplicity with the power of linked data.

Jordan Gilliam
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Gnow was born out of a personal need for a more effective, accessible, and engaging way to learn new programming topics.
As someone who has navigated the maze of online courses, tutorials, and textbooks, I found that the existing educational landscape often lacks a personalized approach that is now capable with AI.
Gnow helped me create and I'm excited to see how it helps you.

Personalized AI study guides