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if only it completed your streaks for you with a simple snap. however, neat little idea. 😅

Never forget your Snapchat streaks again

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i remember when this was apparently leaked a while back. i definitely want one of these things now. 😎

Tesla Semi
The safest, and most comfortable truck ever made

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I am loving this idea! However, the site leads to not found. Any reason to this and when it will be fixed?
New music delivered to you via text every other morning

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loving the idea of this site. you should make an affiliates part of the site so i can refer some of my friends, i'm sure they'd love to use this.
how do we get paid? not too knowledgeable with this kind of stuff but i'm thinking it's like:
money is sent to filefare > it adds it our account balance > file is sent to the user > we receive the money from filefare with the 6% fee of the sale?

Upload, share and profit from your files.

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seems pretty sweet. i would definitely be interested in seeing support for minimalist titles and designs over the cover art and whatnot. :))
good work!

Tune Cub
Create a shareable video with your cover art and .mp3

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not really sure what most of these products are supposed to do for me, in bed. haha.

Kitchen Accessories | In Bed
Stay In Bed, Shop In Bed, Eat In Bed.

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totally not similar to tbh, tbh. 😏

huh - Polls about your friends
Pick the friend that you like the most.

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I suggest adding a community based feature where you can post a question you may be stuck on and the community can help you answer it. :))

Solver, a community place for mathematical equations

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Is there going to be an iOS release?

Aloha Buddy!
Ask fun questions to friends from a wide variety of topics.

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Quick little issue when signing up: when I try to sign in with FB, it says that I don’t meet the requirements of the app’s criteria. Is there a way you could manually verify me if I give you the link to my FB profile?
Orbit Meet
Who's nearby? Find your friends. Meet new people.

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This service is very nice! love how we can choose our own domain names. looking forward to using this daily! :)

Protect your email address.

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This is actually an amazing start to spend Ether on products/services!! I like the idea of this and looking forward to seeing where it goes! :)

The first Ethereum only online store

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Upvoted because of the name and entire idea of it. Can’t wait to try this out !! :)

Share music & listen together

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Do you plan to release a version for iOS?

Create reminders in seconds

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I would love to get an invite code. I mix and promote music and would love to be a part of this app and community. :)

An invite-only community of talented musicians