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  • Nils Janse

    Nils Janse

    Founder of Delibr
    94 points
    All activity
    Nils Janse
    With Delibr, teams can create opportunity trees, collaborate on product requirements, build user story maps, and much more - all in a single app. Our latest addition is an AI that can take action based on your input.
    Delibr 3.0
    Delibr 3.0
    Streamline your product management process
    Nils Janse
    Harness the endless potential of AI. Supercharge your productivity with guidance and help writing. Epic documents that connect across the PM process. It's a game changer! Get 50% off for 6 months if you sign up today!
    Delibr AI
    AI-assisted end-to-end product management platform
    Nils Janse
    Collaborate on PRDs with built-in user story maps. Start clean and inject heading templates as needed. Indicate parts of your document as Jira issues to enjoy full 2-way Jira sync. Type a question to get facilitation for structured decision-making.
    Delibr 2.0
    Ship more product value, a new level of clarity and flow
    Nils Janse
    How can you drive the thinking on what to develop, why and how to do it β€” leveraging the insights from both team and stakeholders β€” all the way from idea to deploy? This book tries to answer this question.
    Epic Alignment
    Epic Alignment
    How the best Product Managers work with feature documents
    Nils Janse
    Delibr helps you become the Product Manager that is in control of the conversation from discovery to deploy and unites the perspectives' of stakeholders and developers.
    It's Workflowy on Steroids :)
    Outlining Tool for Feature Refinement, for Product Managers