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Get notified from whatever app you want (Telegram, Slack, etc) when your website or API is down based on HTTP status code or content of the response, or when your server is slow. You can install it in as many as computers as you want wherever they are.

Open source and free HTTP monitoring tool

Nico Prananta
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Last year we released first version of Monika. Since then, we have added tons of new features, check it out!

Open source and free HTTP monitoring tool

Nico Prananta
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A friend tweeted this and as a foreigner who in this country, I find it useful to find out how I can watch certain TV shows since there are tons of streaming services these days.
The streaming guide for movies and tv shows

Nico Prananta
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If I made a new product, I will ship it, find 100 customers laboriously (directly call/email/DM companies, customers one by one), then launch.
Right now with Coparrot I launched it first then now searching for customers directly. I don't think it's right. Launching should be a way to grow user base. Not to find first customers.
Don't just ship it. Launch it. Do you agree?
Nishith from True Sparrow
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Nico Prananta
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After reading The Minimalist Entrepreneur book, I realized I made a mistake of doing the launch of Coparrot before having at least 100 satisfied (and paid) users first. The launch should be a way to grow user base, not to get first users.
If given a chance to Relaunch your product, what is that one thing you will do differently?
Kapil Gadhire
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Nico Prananta
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cats, dogs, and babies. all three in one video? perfect 😆
What kind of videos makes you feel happy?
Elena Cirera
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Nico Prananta
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I think if you think Schedule a Demo could be helpful for the visitors, add it but less emphasised.
And also, just my 2cents, but probably better to change the text "Sign up" to something else. Something like "Let's get started". It's just for me, a Sign up button is better placed in the top right, and use a more inviting text for CTA in the center.
How many CTA buttons should be there on a landing page?
Hemant Warier
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Nico Prananta
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Seems like it's something you can make with no-code solutions, so you can avoid spending days of coding. Once you make an MVP with no-code, you can spend more time validating the ideas by sending it to your friends and families.
From your brief description, it sounds like Pinterest though. I might be wrong.
Should I make this app ?
saheen shoukath
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Nico Prananta
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I have breaks during the day cause if I sit too long my back hurts, I need to move around. But generally 4 hours straight is my limit, max 8 hours a day.
How many hours do you work per day?
Mary Robido
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Nico Prananta
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Nice! Can I request integration with DigitalOcean Spaces? 😆

React File Upload by Apideck
Embeddable file uploader for Box, Dropbox, Gdrive, and more

Nico Prananta
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I'm going 37 in few days and I still play games on my Nintendo Switch. And just like any other gamers, there are games that I'm not a fan of like all first person shooter kind of games, but there are also games I like, like RPG games.
Do you like video games?
Mahak from Outgrow
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Nico Prananta
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I made a Swift Study Group Indonesia, a community of iOS developers from Indonesia. At the beginning, I was just mentoring a junior in the company in iOS development. But then I thought let's learn from other Indonesian developers as well. So I contacted some friends who contacted their friends and now there are 430 members in our Telegram group. We have a sharing session every week where any...
How did you create your community?
Emanuele Caldari
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Nico Prananta
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What I fear most after launching, or at least announcing my project to the world, is no feedback. I'd rather have negative feedback than no feedback at all.
What helps me to conquer the fear is to treat the project and the launch as experiment. I'll experiment by doing all the things I can think of to move the project forward. I just imagine, if one of the things I do in the experiment works,...
First time launching product on PH. How to handle negative thoughts?
Piyush Rajpurohit
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Nico Prananta
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I tried clicking the convert after pasting the sample, nothing happened. (need feedback)
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Nico Prananta
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I am using Matomo for Coparrot right now. They have an article about GDPR Honestly, I always think Google Analytics is too complex for me. For a new released landing page, I just want to know number of visits at the beginning.
Alternatives to Google Analytics that do not violate the GDPR?
Andres Martin
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Nico Prananta
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Been wondering this myself after releasing Coparrot yesterday. Reading the replies, I'll definitely add a video 😆
Is it good to use video/videos on your homepage?
Elena Cirera
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Nico Prananta
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"How can I find the right problem worth solving?" that's the question I keep pondering for years until last weekend I finally released
I guess the way to find the problem is by making things yourself. You'll eventually find an itch to scratch and that itch probably is a problem too for many other makers.
How can I find the problem of product makers worth solving?
Alexey Shashkov
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Nico Prananta
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I'm working in Switzerland where while the government highly recommends home office, most people still go to work. Personally, I like the hybrid approach which I'm doing right now, 2 days in the office, the rest from home. It's nice to be able to talk face to face with co-workers in the workday.
What do you feel about remote work today?
Dhruv Bhatia
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Nico Prananta
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None. It's that one button in the tab bar of Twitter iOS app that I wish I could remove. 😆
How many Twitter spaces do you listen a day?
Ignacio Carmona
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