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Nick Simard
User Advocate, Browse AI
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Nick Simard
left a comment
2yr ago
Would love to try it but the app won't load in Chrome or Safari on Mac. First I had a hard time signing up, with an error about an invalid ReCaptcha, and when I could log in, the app shows up for a split second before disappearing. Not off to a great start :(
UUKI Community Platform
Notion for communities
+1 comment
Nick Simard
left a comment
3yr ago
Wow! This came outta nowhere :) Great timing. Questions: - do you generate an RSS feed (if so, can there be multiple, like based on collections?) - you mentioned CMS row and Airtable. How does that work? I’m very curious about automating via Airtable, populated by Zapier :) - is the 30% discount applicable to static *and* CMS plans? Thanks!
Dorik CMS
Simple and flexible white-label website building platform
Nick Simard
left a comment
3yr ago
How is it different/better than Super, Potion, Popsy, etc?
Build websites with Notion in ~10 sec
Nick Simard
left a comment
3yr ago
Thank you!!!!! This seems like the most basic feature and yet it’s missing. Can’t wait to try this :)
Multiple Calendars Selector for Google
Allows quickly displaying just the set of calendars you want
Nick Simard
left a comment
3yr ago
Oh, I like the look of this! And I really like the “Send Install Reminder” button, given that I’m browsing on mobile and could easily forget to follow up. Nice touch 😉
Browser extension for your second brain
+1 comment
Nick Simard
left a comment
3yr ago
This looks great but super important question. Will this still require everyone on a paid base to be a paying user as well, even if they only need to modify a very small amount of stuff? If so, it drastically reduces the appeal of this. I get that you don’t want people to use it as a workaround to avoid upgrading accounts but I’ve always found it a strange pricing model for every person to be...
Airtable Interface Designer
Create custom interfaces to fit your team's specific needs
Nick Simard
left a comment
4yr ago
Do you currently support, or plan to support, multiple currencies? Great for expats. So if you live in one country but have accounts with transactions in another country, you can calculate in a single currency (or equivalent). Otherwise everything is inaccurate. Thanks!
The modern way to manage your money
Nick Simard
left a comment
4yr ago
So your video shows time blocking, but I believe I read in a comment that the calendar integration isn't released yet? Any ETA on that? It's one of the more enticing features, to be able to drag tasks onto a calendar for planning :)
HOLD X 2.0
Productivity for humans, not superhumans
Nick Simard
left a comment
4yr ago
I love the look and feel of this, and how simple it is to use! Well done. A few questions: - can you see a list of subscribers somewhere? That would be handy. - any plans to add the ability to create a private publication (to share with family/friends) - do you think you'll add commenting functionality, or at least a way for comments to be sent to the post author (if not published on the post...
Start a blog and newsletter in under 5 minutes, totally free
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
Wow! What an astronomical amount of work it must be, to read all those books and summarize them in addition to everything else I’m sure you’ve got going on!
Sipreads 2.0
Takeaways from the best books, for free 🥤📚
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
Congrats on the Zapier launch @yongfook! For anyone who's interested, here's a Shared Zap that triggers on a liked tweet, then uses the Square Tweet template in Bannerbear to generate an image: Shared Zaps are like templates that users (free/trial or paid) can create themselves and then share with the world :)
Bannerbear Zapier Integration
Generate graphics using Zapier automated workflows
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
$20 per letter? That seems quite high. I would personally prefer to receive a letter with a $20 Amazon gift card than to have someone send me a letter that they paid $20 for :)
Letter from You 2.0
Handwritten letter, mailed for you.
+1 comment
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
I love the idea but I fail to see how it could be SO useful if you only have 3 integrations thus far, two of which are cloud storage. If you could add Coda and Quip in addition to Slack, Trello and GitHub that would be amazing :)
Universal search bar for all your cloud apps.
+1 comment
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
Love the clean design! Any plans to hide cards that have been checked off (at least as an option you can choose)?
Columns Beta
Checklists arranged into columns for planning & organization
+1 comment
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
I just have to say that the play on words of the name Wrabit and the logo are awesome :) Haven’t tried it yet, but I wanted to mention that, as I’m sure you put some time into the name and branding.
Helping you build a daily writing habit, one step at a time
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
@henrykuzmick When you drag something onto a board, is there a way to remove it? I added a note and bookmark and don't see a way to remove them. I tried trashing it, but that deletes it entirely instead of just getting it off the board. EDIT: Also, it's not obvious how to make a section into its own object on a board (I figured it drag it from the main todo list) nor can I see how to...
Your personal journal. Everywhere.
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
Reminds me of this ;)
$10,000 to leave the Bay Area
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
So, limiting access by email address or domain used to be available for free. Is this feature now only available on the Pro plan? Sounds like it.
Glide Pro
Building apps from spreadsheets just got way more powerful
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
I’m confused. Native apps would be ones that you download in the Apple or Google App Store, would they not? The examples shown look like one PWA and one standard mobile-friendly website. Also, to say “crappy PWAs” above but then have as one of your features “we also support PWAs” is odd.
Murkstom Sheet
Build a native mobile app using Google Sheet
Nick Simard
left a comment
5yr ago
I checked it out to see if it was a better experience than TripIt and the flight number I entered brought up the wrong flight altogether. I didn’t see a way to correct it. Is there a way to fix flight searches that bring up the completely wrong thing?
Tripsy 2.0
Travel planner, now with docs, dark mode, sharing and more