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Hi all!
We are excited to share that we are nearing production status with our new JS7 & JS12 MIDI guitars to succeed our line of Jamstik+ Smart Guitar models. To bring us into the next stage with momentum, we've launched a crowdfunding campaign to support the launch. Plenty of R&D, user-feedback and re-design was put into upgrading our offerings while aligning these new entries more...
Jamstik Smart Guitars
Portable MIDI guitars for music production & instruction.

Jamstik is a brand of portable, app-connected (MIDI) guitars that have opened up musical possibilities for guitarists, producers, and learners alike.
The New Jamstik7 and Jamstik12 are purposefully built for our two audiences.
➣The JS7 is the new baseline model for learners & travelers.
➣The JS12 is the choice for guitarists & music producers.
Jamstik Smart Guitars
Portable MIDI guitars for music production & instruction.

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As Director of Growth at Zivix - I see my role as continually improving the digital workspace we utilize, and I haven't felt the potential of a product this strongly since we implemented Slack almost 2 years ago. Notion's ability to bring together the functionality of a number of adequate, but sparsely used applications is what draws me in very closely. I look forward to it's continued adoption...

Notion 2.0
The all-in-one workspace - notes, tasks, wikis, & databases

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Congrats on the launch, Adam! The App looks & functions great - I look forward to seeing it gain momentum.

Marbles iOS & Android App
mobile apps that offer free 24/7 mental health support

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Hey All! AirJamz is in crowdfunding phase and can be had on Kickstarter for $39. It will work with Apple and Android devices, and quite literally can make anyone feel musical. It's the next product from Zivix - Makers of the jamstik+ Smart Guitar. It's mostly for casual fun, but also sends MIDI so can do some pretty cool stuff with music tech.

AirJamz - The Wearable Air Guitar
A wearable wristband that lets you play air guitar for real.

AirJamz - The Wearable Air Guitar
A wearable wristband that lets you play air guitar for real.

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Hey Everyone, a little update, we pulled back the preorder and changed our strategy to crowdfunding. It's been the right decision so far! Anyone that wants to know about the experience I'm happy to discuss.
It's available on Kickstarter:
Early Bird Special deals last through 3:00PM 3/27 and campaign closes 5/6

The Portable Smart Guitar

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Hey everyone, thanks for the comments and checking us out. Wanted to let you know that we've activated a Preorder special at $299.99 so Ryan can afford one.
To comment on the uses, we really do have 2 successful markets; experienced guitarists and those that want to learn.
We've brought the jamstik into many music education scenarios and teachers have been loving the response from...

The Portable Smart Guitar

A versatile MIDI controller, the jamstik+ connects via Bluetooth 4.0 to your phone, tablet or computer so you can play guitar with any of the 100's of compatible MIDI apps available. It's built to the specifications of a real guitar; so learning and creating are transferable skills.

The Portable Smart Guitar