Alex Spitz

Alex Spitz

Software engineer seeking knowledge
27 points
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Alex Spitz
Alex Spitz
left a comment This is mine by the way haha !
Alex Spitz
What was your last idea? 🧠 Inspire people and get inspired |
Alex Spitz
Ideas Bored is a freshly created social network where you can share your every days ideas.
Ispire and get inspired
During quarantine, people are getting bored and are either full of ideas or in need of new ideas.
It's totally free and not made for profit.
Ideas Bored
The inspiring social network
Alex Spitz
Alex Spitz
started a discussion

What's your main goal for March?

Personally, I'll be traveling to Brazil and I'll have plenty of time to work on my Project Pastick. So my main objective is to have a MVP opened to bêta testers. Yours ?
Alex Spitz
Alex Spitz
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(and not on my own things hahaha)
Alex Spitz
Distribute 25 upvotes today ➡️👍
Alex Spitz
Pastick tracks your clipboard to retrieve copied texts, activities to compute stats, and launchable environments to deliver you a powerful tool to be more efficient.
A tool to power up your efficiency on your computer
Alex Spitz
Alex Spitz
left a comment
Is the product viable on your point of view ?
A tool to power up your efficiency on your computer