My Phung

My Phung

Founder @ BuilderFive
135 points
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My Phung
My Phung
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Going to the Austin PH demo conference on Wed sep. 25 - Do you need to register to attend?

I know you need to register to see details about the address. I was wondering if I could attend even if I haven't officially registered. I have a group of friends who want to go and are not sure if the product hunt team will see our application to register before then
My Phung
My Phung
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Maybe one day, but for now it's good to be used as a tool for designers
Ryan Zhang
What’s the future of AI in the design field? Can AI replace designers?
My Phung
My Phung
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For a couple of weeks!
Luc Detiger
How long have you been working on your product?
My Phung
My Phung
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Fill out this google form to get connected with local founders

I've noticed a lot of people post about loneliness and wanting to connect with each other on Reddit. I joined a discord that spurred from one of the reddit posts a few weeks ago and there's now about 500 people in there, but now there's only about 10 messages a day sent. So, I created this google form for startup people in the United States to connect with local people. If you're interested in...
My Phung
My Phung
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Get situated in Austin (where I'm moving to) and make it the epicenter of BuilderFive's group calls!
Olie Fullin
What's the most important goal you want to achieve in the next half of the year?
My Phung
My Phung
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Nice to meet you Lucas
Lucas Silva
My Phung
My Phung
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Reddit, LinkedIn, startup discord servers, youtube!
Anastasiia Stepko
What active communities outside of Product Hunt are you a part of?
Anastasiia Stepko
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My Phung
My Phung
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AR if the technology becomes advanced enough to be convenient and exceptional over current market options!
With AI, AR, and VR rapidly growing, which do you think will disrupt our world the most?
My Phung
My Phung
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Giovani Drosda Lima
How often do you lose your streak?
Giovani Drosda Lima
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My Phung
My Phung
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Sure man. Let's connect over on LinkedIn!
Giovani Drosda Lima
Product Hunt enthusiasts, let's gather!
Giovani Drosda Lima
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My Phung
My Phung
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Are you trying to create a productivity app?
Sahil Khan
Questions for productive πŸ˜ƒ and unproductive πŸ˜ͺ people?
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