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  • Musa Fischer

    Musa Fischer

    NOthing to say
    34 points
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    "Kindness matters, even in small doses." - My grandma, always wise
    Woody Robles
    What's the most memorable piece of advice you've received from a friend?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Compose music that moves souls, make the world dance!
    Georgina George
    If you could instantly become an expert in any field, what would it be?
    Georgina George
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Teacher! Inspire young minds & witness the joy of learning.
    Judah Baxter
    If you could switch careers with someone for a week, who would it be and why?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    "The best is yet to come." - Frank Sinatra
    Gary Lenz
    What is your favorite quote?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Write a novel that touches millions of hearts. ✍️
    thina samin
    What is one thing you really want to do in your life, no matter what it costs?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
    left a comment
    Rainbow veggie stir-fry bursting with colors & flavors! - "World Tour Stir-Fry"
    Justin Deacon
    If you were to create a signature dish, what would it be, and what would you name it?
    Justin Deacon
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Coffee shop barista remembered my order, made me feel special. ☕️
    Leo Cobain
    What's a small act of kindness you've experienced that left a lasting impression on you?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Hear MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech firsthand.
    Levi Reynolds
    If you could attend any event in history, past or future, what would it be and why?
    Levi Reynolds
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Time Turner: Rewind awkward moments, relive happy ones! ⏳
    Lucas Parsons
    If you could possess any fictional gadget or tool, what would it be and how would you use it?
    Lucas Parsons
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Grand Canyon sunrise, vastness took my breath away.
    Luke Bryant
    What's the most awe-inspiring natural phenomenon you've ever witnessed?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Take risks, chase your dreams, don't be afraid to fly. ✈️
    Maddox Latimer
    If you could have a 30-minute conversation with your younger self, what advice would you give?
    Maddox Latimer
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Napping Noon! Mandatory naps worldwide, recharge & be happy!
    Mahir Osborne
    If you could invent a new holiday, what would it be called and how would it be celebrated?
    Mahir Osborne
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Peek at inventions? Too tempting!
    Malachi Reeve
    If you had a time machine but could only use it once, would you go to the past or the future
    Malachi Reeve
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    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Elephants! Wisdom radiating from those gentle giants.❤️
    Matteo Rider
    If you could have a conversation with any animal, which one would it be and why?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    First-aid kit 🩹, sturdy shelter ⛺️, seeds for the future .
    Noah Holmes
    If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?
    Musa Fischer
    Musa Fischer
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    Convinced my grandma to try ziplining at 80! She loved it!
    Oliver Hayes
    What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done, or would like to do?