All activity

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My honest feedback, I'll try to keep this brief:
I really like the general concept/idea, the execution however, leaves a bit to be desired. I do think that if you make some changes and polish this up, you could have something quite nice here.
For example, I like the layout and the style done in the same way as an iOS kind of interface, this is similar to something that I was working on...

General space with web apps

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Backendless is great, I love their services. Happy to see that you guys are now offering a very easy way to implement openAI's API/GPT capabilities right in my projects, about as simple as it gets.
Congratulations on the relaunch here on PH, here's to many many more years!

Build scalable apps at lightning speed, coding optional

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This has zero place whatsoever being posted on this site. Not only does your account history exist solely of posts which aren't even attempting to hide the fact that you're just posting what effectively amounts to unpaid ads for a template company, but these aren't even GOOD templates. This is a hideously ugly SUB-TEMPLATE that looks like it was designed by a total amateur back in 2006 or...

Classy Blogger
WordPress theme for bloggers

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The fact that there's no documentation - or even the most basic explanation whatsoever, of *what* this is actually doing, is quite concerning and should be concerning to anyone thinking of giving over access to their github account to this. Sketchy.

Autopopulate your Github activity chart

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This is a disaster waiting to happen
Passwords Vault
Store all your user ID, emails & passwords in Notion

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not a chance in hell i am connecting my wallet to a site that has 404s for every single link on the page. no offense, but you don't even have documentation and every single person, save for one, who has commented here on this is a new user. it's entirely possible that this is a legit project but i'm not even sure what exactly a "table" has to do with smart contract creation...bizarre.

No-code platform for creating blockchain apps

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I've been saying for a while that this sort of service (a simplistic, no-hassle service that'll let people run self-hosted apps without having to worry about server stuff) would do well and it's good to see one come to market.
However, I do have some points of critique that I hope you take into consideration, as having clicked onto the site and browsed it, these things immediately jumped out...

Bringing the world of open-source apps closer to everyone

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Congrats Russ/David and the rest of the crew at LiveKit. This is absolutely incredible, seriously. One of the most impressive things I have ever seen on this site and I am going to be making use of this ASAP. Can't wait to get started, actually, I'm quite excited!
LiveKit Cloud
Build massive-scale, real-time video and audio experiences

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Sweet, thanks for the generous offer, shame I don't use Adobe XD as this looks quite good, might have to try it anyway. Wish someone would bring something like this to Figma.
WordPress for Adobe XD
Adobe XD to WordPress, no code required

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The results on this look super impressive, however, unless I'm missing something here I fail to see where there is any sort of 'free option' as you have tagged on your listing here, only 3 paid plans - of which (in my opinion) the pricing/features make no sense. Most importantly, since I can't actually try this to see if it really works as well as the promo clip suggests (and it's just a...

Online video face swap tool

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If you're so sensitive that you have to download a curated 'block list' of people who made the *egregious* error of LIKING a tweet that doesn't totally align with your personal views and opinions, you probably shouldn't be using the internet. This also isn't going to make the internet any more "safe" or pleasant,'s just going to increase the hyper-partisan divisions present in...
Block Lists by Block Party
Block Twitter trolls in bulk

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Congratulations to all of the very talented team at Uizard for this new launch. @tonyb you guys have left me consistently impressed with your dedication towards pushing things forward in this realm (specifically, in creating an easy-to-use while also simultaneously powerful front-end design tool that can be both quickly adopted by a total beginner in record time and used by veteran...
The design tool for everyone, powered by AI

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Quite sad how many people are in favor of this and other similarly censorious (borderline authoritarian, even...especially once someone decides to implement anything decided via AI algorithms with automated instantaneous banning/removal) so-called "products" on ProductHunt lately. Seems to me like it's less an actual product most of the time, even less often a viable product/service with a...

Flagging hate speech and propaganda on Twitter using AI

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No offense, but I fail to see the point to this.
Tinder for virus symptoms