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Call a Dev is like bug spray for your programming problems.
Join a video call with a Stack Overflow user and get help for your programming problem for just $1 a minute. You can even share your screen to let them easily see your spaghetti codebase!

Call a Dev
Live programming help is one call away

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Thanks for taking a look at my project! With the high standards of Stack Overflow (and the sometimes abrasive community) I wanted a platform that was more forgiving and pleasant for devs to use when facing code obstacles.
Too many times I've had to add weeks to my ship date for a project because of a single feature that refused to just work. I had wished I could just ask someone to give me a...

Call a Dev
Live programming help is one call away

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Looks great Weiting! I also really like what you're doing with code mentor.
Remote Junior Developer Jobs
Find your first remote developer job or internship

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I built talkjaw after learning about the Clubhouse app that is popular in Silicon Valley. I had been developing projects using 3rd party phone service providers and applying some of what I'd been learning to a new challenge sounded like fun.
The major technical differences b/w talkjaw and clubhouse are that talkjaw is browser based and uses phone number while clubhouse is a native...

Host live public audio conversations

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A few weeks ago I started taking a free online course about the science of well-being and some of the course material mentioned starting a gratitude journal with your family where you each write down things you're grateful for every day.
In theory it sounded nice, but getting family members to commit to a new daily practice seemed like a bit of a leap, especially when you don't live...

Family Blessings Phone
A gratitude journal for the whole family.

Family Blessings Phone is a web-based phone number that stores blessings from your family in the form of voice messages. It's available 24/7 so you can call it anytime to listen to blessings from loved ones, or leave a blessing of your own.

Family Blessings Phone
A gratitude journal for the whole family.

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Ever try to call a congressperson or senator and their voicemail was full? Well now you can leave a voicemail on their timeline! Here's what an example tweet looks like:
If you connect your twitter account and then call in to leave a voice tweet, the tweet will come from your account and the transcription text will populate the body...

Use your voice to tweet.

This is a special phone number that you can call to leave a voicemail that will get transcribed and posted to Twitter.

Use your voice to tweet.

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Believe it or not this project started as way to make community town halls more inclusive. Often, the same faces show up to local town halls and make their voices heard. I thought it would be a good idea if we could make it easier for people who don't have the time to make it to these meetings to also be heard. The idea was instead of showing up to a once-a-month meeting, you could join the...

People's Voicemail
Voice-based community message boards

A voice-based message board where the only way to post a message is by calling a phone number and leaving a voicemail. Every voicemail can be responded to with another voicemail. You can also embed voicemails on your own website or on Twitter.

People's Voicemail
Voice-based community message boards