Mohamad Houri

Mohamad Houri

I help startups grow
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Mohamad Houri
Mohamad Houri
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thats smart, when are you launching?
WhatsApp Chat & Abandoned Cart Recovery
WhatsApp Chat & Abandoned Cart Recovery
Recover your abandoned cart revenue via WhatsApp API
Mohamad Houri
Mohamad Houri
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thats a great concept!
Dynamic pricing & competitive price monitoring SaaS platform
Mohamad Houri
Mohamad Houri
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that's very nice, love it!
The forest is the best solution for climate and biodiversity
Mohamad Houri
Simpliboard is a fully integrated reporting dashboard + AI data analysis for e-commerce businesses. It gets all the data that you need from your store, advertising platforms, analytics... to generate report for you e-commerce business and analyze it using AI
AI-powered reports for a more successful e-commerce business
Mohamad Houri
Mohamad Houri
left a comment
thats a nice concept, very useful I actually needed that last week:)
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