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We are Michael, Varun, and Corey and we're excited to tell you about Ciremi. Our first release brings "StarTrek" style contact management to your phone! Talk to Ciremi like you would another human. Have it note interesting details that help you remember your new contact, and don't worry about rambling or structure of your conversation. Be you, don't conform, this isn't Alexa!
Ciremi for iOS and Android
Use your voice to add contacts and notes on your phone

Naturally describe a contact to add to your phone. Add phone numbers, addresses, emails, company name, interesting notes, etc.!
"Add Aaron Riker, that's A*A*R*O*N, phone 123-456-7890, we met today at the SpaceX convention, hope to see him again next week"
Ciremi for iOS and Android
Use your voice to add contacts and notes on your phone

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Hello there! Forget typing contacts, just use your voice anyway you want to add contacts to your phone. Ciremi understands your intent, but remember if you're adding a complicated name, you might need to spell it out for Ciremi or say Aaron, spelt with two A's.
Have fun!
Use your voice to add contacts to your phone