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Mitchell Geere
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It's blank...
Urge the FCC to keep strong Title II Net Neutrality rules

Mitchell Geere
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But there are only Ford Focus' on there. What would make this interesting is if I can say rent a car for a month I can't typically afford to own or maybe don't think is practical to own. Who wants to spend $400+ on a Ford Focus...? You could lease it for 2 years and pay less. I'm not bashing I love the idea, I have wanted it for a while but the execution is weak.
When I rent cars I want...

A simple alternative to car ownership

Mitchell Geere
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Super useful! My machine went from sounding like a Boeing taking off, being slow and unresponsive to actually working as expected. Not sure what the hell is going on with systems built using Chromium, horrible resource usage (spotify and atom are both hogs for that reason). Thanks for making this!

The Great Suspender
Auto-suspend inactive tabs to reduce memory usage of chrome

Mitchell Geere
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So this is great for white men with hair... Its a cool novelty but already old due to lack of diversity. 👎🏼
Character Generator
Create your unique character

Mitchell Geere
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Thinking about it now, you could probably get more out of this if you don't strictly require coding skills. You just need a process flow builder, you can have precoded components that I could just drag in to create a particular logic for each account, card etc. without knowing code. So say a family or small business could sign-up and actually take advantage of the rules system. Employee spend...

Programmable bank account for software developers

Mitchell Geere
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I'm looking forward to playing with this. I just noticed the tld is ZA, so even more stoked for you guys. Whats the timeline to hit the US? I noticed you guys partnered with Standard Bank, any early discussions with a US bank?
Gee hom gas!

Programmable bank account for software developers

Mitchell Geere
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I have been a fan for a long time and boomeranged twice already, coming back and trying Polymail again. At a surface level you provide everything I could hope for. The issue I am facing is it's never in sync with my actual mail, often delayed by days. Then that gives me the illusion of mail getting lost and not to mention that I respond to some of my emails WAY later than I should - I have...
Polymail Pro
The ultimate email productivity app for business 💌

Mitchell Geere
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Hi Folks! I'm a co-founder and CEO of Daybear. We created Daybear as a way to address the lack of quality child care and we do so by enabling stay-at-home parents and teachers to host and educate children at their home. We do all the work short of caring for the children. We want parents to never have to choose between family income and spending time with their children, not do we want them to...

Airbnb for in-home daycare 👶

Airbnb for in-home daycare 👶

Mitchell Geere
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This is really fantastic, getting started was simple (documentation is a little lacking but wasn't hard to get into it) however I am having a hard time to get smart views to work. (This is honestly one of the most useful parts of it). We would definitely go for a pro plan but my concern is support. I saw no support links and I absolutely already needed it. This will save us a ton of time...
Forest Admin
Your back office, redefined.

Mitchell Geere
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Let me start my (additional) feedback with THIS SHIT IS HARD, building a neural network and allowing accurate decisions to be made is hard. I concede to that. This is just user experience feedback.
I was playing with Ozlo this evening, and I asked it (in various forms of the same question) "Where can I find the best cheesecake in San Francisco?"
The result I got back was something like "I...
Your friendly AI sidekick

Mitchell Geere
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@okito, @michealrhanson, @johnnyxu, really awesome. Amazing execution on the overall design, the experience feels very thoughtful. I would almost call the experience soothing and calming. What I find interesting is that you guys aren't rebuilding the wheel with regards to inventory but rather leveraging the existing stuff and making it so much more useful and relevant when I need it. The tech's...
Your friendly AI sidekick