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Randy Miller
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Dig it, quick and simple! Thanks!

Discover & share the best GIFs — right from your menu bar

Randy Miller
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I’ve been using headspace quite a bit, but only to fall asleep. Interested in something that goes through the night. May I please have a code? Also, for the ASMR on Apple Watch, don’t you need headphones on?
A new way to enhance your mental health and motivation

Randy Miller
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Keybase is on the forefront of what the future of data and communications must look like to overcome security concerns that plague current systems. I'd say it's a little geeky for the average user, but gets better all the time. I've been using Resilio Sync for most of all my data because it's cross-platform, but Keybase Teams looks to be cross-platform as well now and makes an interesting case...

Keybase Teams
A fully encrypted Slack-like communications tool

Randy Miller
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As the previous Rdio users have pointed out, that's where Pandora has the ability to shine. Rdio's UI, both desktop and especially mobile, is/was still far superior to Apple Music and Spotify's experiences. Their remote function was also implemented much better, not too mention that their entire model was built from the ground up to be social - something that seems like an afterthought bolt-on...

Pandora Premium
On-demand music. Pandora's answer to Spotify.

Randy Miller
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Dig it. Cool way to explore space with my kids.

Space Advisor
Ultimate interactive, interplanetary experience

Randy Miller
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@sign Haven't tried the app yet, but totally impressed by the website, super cool! One quick note on the SJ quote, "Embraces" should be "Embrace". Looking forward to playing with the product!

The Most Useful Creative Tool for Graphic Design and Drawing

Randy Miller
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@tmm1 I currently use EyeTV both on Mac Mini and iOS with my HDHomeRun. The iOS app also allows you to stream when away from home (provided you have the Mac app running at home). Can you explain the differences Channels provides?

Channels for iOS
Watch, pause, and rewind live TV

Randy Miller
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Well done explanation on the page and convincing concept, going to order some. Although we keep trying to improve the efficiency of making the perfect cup of espresso, I find it's one of those things in life that is still best when done the "good old fashioned way." As I was typing you entered your comment @chrismessina, so you answered my question about having tried it ;)

Sudden Coffee
Awesome instant coffee

Randy Miller
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Has anyone noticed lately that this seems to be less and less reliable? I've found several discrepancies over the past couple months that have caused me to lose trust in what it reports. This is as of 7/8/2016.
Find where the movie/tv show you want to watch is streaming

Randy Miller
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Why not just use Google Voice for free and have it ring any phone you want based on who's calling?

Voice Bridge
Receive your landline calls on your mobile.

Randy Miller
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Already found a few new gems, very nice!

Music Rover
Messenger bot to discover music you will love

Randy Miller
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I've always thought OneNote was Microsoft's best app in years when it came out and still think it's a pretty great interface and user experience, albeit not as lightweight for mobile as maybe it should be. Is the purpose of Plumbago to better serve the sketch and handwriting gap on mobile specifically, or a long term play to replace OneNote? And if the second, why was that a priority with a...

Microsoft's new notebook app

Randy Miller
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Been using this for a couple months now on my older existing garage door opener and it's great. Works surprisingly fast from pushing the button to instantaneous open. Full disclosure: I am not a maker, but did create the video - happy to endorse a product I believe in and use daily.

Cloud-enabled controller for existing garage doors

Cloud-enabled controller for existing garage doors

Randy Miller
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Hard to beat @flxschwarz's Remote Buddy for extensibility, power and ease of use. Especially with the new iOS app. How does this compare/contrast?

BTT Remote
A remote control for you Mac, using your iPhone or iPad