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    Miles Lang
    Miles Lang
    started a discussion

    Which software have you had the worst UX experience with?

    I've been reading discussions that range from 2020-2024 about how everyone hates using Jira. It got me thinking. How many other softwares are hated by their own users?
    Miles Lang
    Miles Lang
    left a comment
    I'm looking to get 10k-20k readers on https://ship.tips/
    Matteo Zumpano
    How many users do you want by the end of the year?
    Matteo Zumpano
    Join the discussion
    Miles Lang
    Miles Lang
    started a discussion

    Early Customer Acquisition...A challenge we all face after launching something new.

    I'm looking to start a discussion on how builders navigate this phase. Right now, my approach involves cold outreach, expanding distribution channels (like creating additional social accounts & SEO), and refining my understanding of the audience archetype. However, I'm curious to learn from others: • What strategies do you employ? • How do you connect with the right audience early on? •...
    Miles Lang
    Miles Lang
    left a comment
    Great timing for a product like this!
    Chat Collect
    Chat Collect
    Collect emails from your GPT users
    Miles Lang
    Miles Lang
    started a discussion

    How many newsletters are you subscribed to?

    It seems like there's a million newsletters and blogs to read everyday. But, only 10-20 of those have actual value that you're looking for. So, I just have to know: How many newsletters are you subscribed to? And how many of those do you actually read?
    Miles Lang
    Twice a week we analyze hundreds of newsletters from product leaders & send you only summaries of the best.
    The latest newsletters by top product leaders in one email