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Benjamin Milsom
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Hi Nick. This sounds amazing! Really like the concept. How are you looking to monitise it?

Your Personal Recruitment Agent

Benjamin Milsom
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Can not wait to get one of these! However, slightly sceptical that with the demand seen so far that the delivery date of July 2016 can be met. Can you confirm details of VAT implications into the UK? Still not clear. Thanks, Ben

Speedx Leopard Bike
Smart aero bike that helps you train & track your progress.

Benjamin Milsom
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Hey Neil. Great product! My problem is thinking ahead of a conference/expo and trying to order these sort of things last minute is a nightmare. How quickly could you turn around an order of 100 shirts lets say from click to door?

Ramp T-shirts
The fastest, smartest t-shirt ordering system in the world.

Benjamin Milsom
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Hey everyone! Thanks for dropping by to find out what Echosec is all about.
How do you find relevant social media today?
I'd guess keywords.
Whilst that is useful, you're still missing out on so much useful data.
When people post on social media, their first thought is not how to make it easy to search for others.
So that's why we created a product that allows you to search for social...

Are you ready to redefine your social media strategy?

Echosec is an industry-leading location intelligence platform. Combining social media posts with geographic data, Echosec collects real-time, user-driven information which supports industries ranging from retail, hospitality, journalism, and security. Echosec is transforming business by connecting the digital world to the physical world.

Are you ready to redefine your social media strategy?

Benjamin Milsom
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Neat idea. How much does it cost?
Portable cardboard standing desk

Benjamin Milsom
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Looks good. Similar to

Anymail Finder
Quickly find anyone's email address

Benjamin Milsom
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Will this ever support Twitter?

Post Planner
Find all the content you need for social media in one place

Benjamin Milsom
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Ah would love one of these. Shame about the price point

SLICK stabilizer
A motorized GoPro steadicam

Benjamin Milsom
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Testing it out now for @echosec_uk feedback. Excited to hear what people have to say. if you want your say :D

Start an anonymous chat session with your Twitter followers

Benjamin Milsom
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A great start! Will there be an element of machine learning involved i.e. will reduce the number of emails suggested?

Name2Email by Reply
Get any email based on someone's name

Benjamin Milsom
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Hey, does anyone know who the makers are of this? Thanks.

EarthQuake Track
Gotta know when that earthquake hits.

Benjamin Milsom
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As a keen cyclist I frigging love this product. Just wish there was a more sporty version. Looks like it's more designed for commuters

An airbag helmet for cyclers

Benjamin Milsom
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Product sounds great. Would love to try it out for my company Echosec :)

Grow your audience on Twitter with relevant people

Benjamin Milsom
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Looks neat. Just signed up :D

Smart marketing through email signatures

Benjamin Milsom
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Hey, the product sounds awesome, and I would love to trial. However, the link doesn't appear to be working. Is that just me?

Send fewer emails with better conversion

Benjamin Milsom
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I don't think I have ever added a showerhead to my Christmas wishlist... But this might just be the first/last

Nebia Shower
Better shower, 70% less water

Benjamin Milsom
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Awesome product idea, however when I just tried it out now the screenshare bugged out on me!?

Breakout Room
Webinars don't have to be frustrating

Benjamin Milsom
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Great use of geo-location. I wonder, do you have an API yet?

Wander Co
Location-based photo journals