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Cold Blooded (iOS Sticker App) is an iMessage app to send stickers to each other.

Cold Blooded (iOS Sticker App)
The Best From The Bay.

Michael Lee
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Hi everyone! This sticker app is owned by and was designed by the founder of Adapt, Evan. I just helped him put it together in Xcode and helped out with the app store submission process. Hope you all enjoy, especially the Dubs fans!

Adapt Gold Blooded Dubs Edition Sticker Pack (iOS)
The Best From The Bay.

Send your friends Dubs stickers to each other using iMessage.

Adapt Gold Blooded Dubs Edition Sticker Pack (iOS)
The Best From The Bay.

Michael Lee
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Congrats to the Figma team! They are constantly pushing out valuable updates to people who use their product :)
I'm a happy Figma customer & user!
Figma Live Embed Kit
Add real-time designs & prototypes to any website or tool

Michael Lee
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love the design + product!
The easiest way to collect & manage feedback

Michael Lee
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thank you Framer team, awesome work as always!

Framer Preview
A brand new way to preview Framer designs natively on iOS

Michael Lee
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I purchased the course yesterday, excited to learn!

100 Days of Swift
Learn Swift by building cool projects

Michael Lee
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My friend @aa_lawrence made this and wanted to share with the PH community. I thought it was pretty awesome!

Moments with Typography
Educating Designer's on All Things Typography

Moments with Typography
Educating Designer's on All Things Typography

Michael Lee
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@aa_lawrence is the maker of this, please ask him any questions you all may have :)

Letter Lapse
Customized handwritten timelapse videos

Letter Lapse
Customized handwritten timelapse videos

Michael Lee
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nice, love the interaction when I highlight the text!

Medium Editor
The dead simple inline editor toolbar

Michael Lee
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Money well spent! One of my favorite apps now hahah

Make your friends say the craziest things.

Michael Lee
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Surprising to see Kiwi on here, we are in the middle of pushing out features and new designs, but happy to answer any questions. Thanks for hunting us @brianmwang

Social Q&A - Ask anyone, anything

Social Q&A - Ask anyone, anything

Michael Lee
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awesome, looking forward to try out SF

Detour 2.0
Explore cities with guided audio tours

Michael Lee
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Great to see StartUp on here! I listen to all their episodes, awesome stuff

StartUp - 17: Words About Words From Our Sponsors
Gimlet Media gets into branded content

Michael Lee
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Glad to see Peer out, I know a few of the people that worked on this, super talented + smart team, excited to see Peer's progression

Feedback and performance for today's workforce

Michael Lee
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Nice work! One piece of feedback would be to record animations from parts of the app that people tend to not share. There are a lot of cool sites that capture these types of animations but few tend to capture parts of the app that aren't as 'cool'. For example, failed states. If a message doesn't get sent, what's the interaction / animation like? If you had a section for animations people tend...

App Animations
Gallery of beautiful iOS animations to inspire your next app