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  • Mike Ritchie

    Mike Ritchie

    Building seekwell.io
    314 points
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    Mike Ritchie
    SeekWell is the easiest way to sync your customer data between your data warehouse and the operational apps you use every day in customer success, sales, and marketing, with the SQL you already know.
    SQL in the apps you already use
    Mike Ritchie
    Mike Ritchie
    left a comment
    How much is your Twitter following worth to you? In other words, if you were starting at 0, how much would you pay to get it back in an instant?
    Daniel Vassallo
    I'm Daniel. I made $404,473 selling an ebook and a video course on the internet. AMA 👇
    Daniel Vassallo
    Join the discussion
    Mike Ritchie
    Data tables are all over the internet, especially Wikipedia. sqanything lets you query the HTML tables in all your open Chrome tabs with SQL. You can send the results of your query to Google Sheets or just send all the tables on a web page to Google Sheets.
    Query any data tables on the Web with SQL
    Mike Ritchie
    Schedule a Notebook to run automatically. Update Pandas DataFrames daily, hourly or every 5 minutes and share data with your team via Slack or Sheets – you can also Slack matplotlib charts or any other image / output generated in your Notebook.
    Jupyter Notebook Scheduler
    Run your Jupyter notebooks on a schedule with three clicks
    Mike Ritchie
    ScreenBrush lets you draw on your Mac's screen in any application.
    Draw on your Mac's screen
    Mike Ritchie

    SeekWell is a lightweight analytical platform that helps you write code (SQL and Python) faster and automate reports and alerts in Google Sheets and Slack.

    Write code faster and automate reports in Sheets and Slack