All activity Twitter Analytics helps you get insights into your audience, track content performance, find and filter mentions, and benchmark against competitors on Twitter.
Twitter Analytics by
Demographics, tweet, mentions and competitor analytics

Mike Karpitski
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Hi ProductHunt community!
We’d like to introduce our brand new product - Twitter Analytics!
At this stage, we’re bringing you audience demographics, detailed tweet performance, the ability to track your mentions and sort most liked and retweeted ones. We’re also giving you access to full competitor reports so you can benchmark against competition. All the features our users already love about...
Twitter Analytics by
Demographics, tweet, mentions and competitor analytics

Mike Karpitski
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Thanks so much, product hunters! Send the secret word “Product Hunt” to to get a 60 day free trial for our max package.
Instagram Analytics for Brands, Agencies, Business.
Instagram Analytics for Brands, Agencies, Business.