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Miguel Stevens
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Update: It's now possible to "Pin" notes, making them available the following day. 📮

A Chrome Extension to remind you of your kindle notes.

Gustav is a platform that will help you remember your kindle book notes by sending them in a daily email. The chrome extension runs whenever you visit, so you decide which books you want to store on our side. We use these notes to send you mails that make sense.

A Chrome Extension to remind you of your kindle notes.

Miguel Stevens
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Hi Guys!
Gustav grew from reading a lot of books on productivity, the possibility to take notes using Kindle is nice, but the notes got behind on the amazon servers. with Gustav I feel we could start using our notes to remind us why we took them. The daily emails are just the tip of the iceberg.
If you have any questions, features or want to say hi, don't hesitate.

A Chrome Extension to remind you of your kindle notes.

Passingnotes is a platform that allows developers to gain experience through lessons learned from other developers. It call it a shortcut to experience!
It takes time to learn from experiences and mistakes, but we’re helping developers skip the long wait with an engaging community of developers that pass on their wisdom through a note sharing app.

A free platform to help developers gain experience quickly.