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New substack for short stories! Writers win $100 + 50% of subscription revenue. Reader subscription price is $5 a month. The current prize is $352.50 USD.
No Fee to submit. No subscription is required to submit. Everyone wins!
No Fee to submit. No subscription is required to submit. Everyone wins!

Short Story Substack
One Story a Month. Prize=100$ + 50% of Subscription Revenue

Michael Reeve
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Hi Everyone!
I am the editor-in-chief of the new online publication and want to introduce you to a new way to both support and enjoy literature.
Historically, short stories have always been a large part of the writing world, but the form has died off in recent decades due to more media options than ever before. Also, writers have not been paid competitively for...

Short Story Substack
One Story a Month. Prize=100$ + 50% of Subscription Revenue