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Michael Blanchard
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Check out imperio in action

JavaScript library to enable mobile control of your desktop

Michael Blanchard
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imperio is an open source JavaScript library (name inspired by Harry Potter) that enables developers to build web applications that harness the power of mobile devices communicating sensor and gesture data to other devices in real-time. imperio provides developers an easy-to-use API, configurable middleware to easily set up device communication rules, and automatically initiates optimal...

JavaScript library to enable mobile control of your desktop

Michael Blanchard
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Check out our new open-source JavaScript library called imperio. Using it we implemented mobile based controls into Matt Surabian's excellent version of the game. Check it out on and the library at

Duck Hunt JS
DuckHunt ported to JS and HTML5 with a level creator.

Michael Blanchard
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This is excellent. We just made a similar version using our open-source JavaScript library imperio and the excellent DuckHunt-JS by Matt Surabian. Check it out at and the library at

Produck Hunt
Duck Hunt on your browser with your smartphone as trigger.

JavaScript library to enable mobile control of your desktop