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Mike At Work
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Nice job, @stel2K!
I've been using Paste for a while now, and the unexpected update looks great.
And now for a little unsolicited praise: I've used too many clipboard managers to count over the years (CuteClips was actually my go-to for YEARS until I tried Paste), and I have to admit Paste fits my workflow better than any other. It doesn't hurt that it's also beautiful (something overlooked...

Paste 2
Smart cloud clipboard history and snippets manager for Mac

Mike At Work
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The ad video is nice, but how far along is the device itself? The on-screen camera (or proxy cue ball) was subjected to all kinds of interesting environments (fishbowl, etc), but where can we see the resulting video from the device's perspective? Is there a working prototype yet?

360° Video. At the click of a button.

Mike At Work
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Interesting to see this on the Mac, where the built-in Preview app has been the default PDF viewer/editor for years now. This may feel more comfortable for Windows switchers (is that still a thing?) looking for something more familiar.

Foxit Reader for Mac
Windows-favorite PDF reader now available for Mac

Foxit Reader for Mac
Windows-favorite PDF reader now available for Mac

Mike At Work
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Looks like the promo codes above may be claimed already. Here's a few more -- Please do let us know what you think (good or bad; we can take it)!

Heads On Display
The ever-present "You Are Here" marker for git users

Mike At Work
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We received a couple of comments regarding an overlay on our Web site (not the app) this morning, and we agree: It was annoying in every way. And it's gone.
Anything else we can do to improve?

Heads On Display
The ever-present "You Are Here" marker for git users

Mike At Work
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Hey all. I'm Mike Fahy, creator of Heads On Display. I made Heads On Display to solve a single problem that occurs all too frequently during my days as I switch projects, branches and trains-of-thought while working within git-controlled development projects. Anyone who's ever committed changes to the wrong branch of their git repo knows the problem Heads On Display aims to solve: "What #@$%^...

Heads On Display
The ever-present "You Are Here" marker for git users

Heads On Display
The ever-present "You Are Here" marker for git users

Mike At Work
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A great example of the type of simple (but useful) apps I expect will flourish on the new tvOS platform in the coming months. People have been working out in front of their television sets since the advent of the VCR, and I can only imagine interactive coaching apps will evolve quickly from here.

7 Minute Body for Apple TV
Apple TV app to get you in shape!