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Tara McNulty
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Super idea! totally sharing

Making Sense of VC
Everything tech entrepreneurs should know about how VC works

Tara McNulty
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Finally THE THING that that actually gets (and KEEPS) everyone on the same page ...Congrats on the update and all the success so far!
Carrot 2.0
Simplifying communication for remote teams 🙌

Tara McNulty
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Keep up the great work team
Pros: Simplicity, no fuss!
Cons: Would love to be able to create different profiles for business and personal in the future!

Know where your money goes. Spending tracker for iPhone.

Tara McNulty
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I love this! finally something simple that just tell me what I need to know.

Know where your money goes. Spending tracker for iPhone.

Tara McNulty
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Funny I was just dreaming about something like this the other day! Super useful and easy to find what you need - as opposed to scrolling through endless bookmarks if you're anything like me. Ok going back to dreaming up some other things I need.
The Best Marketing Strategies
Quick filtering through the best online marketing tools

Tara McNulty
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The Tim Ferriss Show - The Person I Call Most for Startup Advice
AngelList CEO Naval Ravikant on life, business and everythi…

Tara McNulty
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Amazing even if you have no idea who Tim Ferriss or Jamie Foxx are.

The Tim Ferriss Show - Jamie Foxx
Tim Ferriss's mega-interview with the fascinating Jamie Foxx

Tara McNulty
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We've been using TestFire on both iOS and Android apps and it has made a huge difference in our QA and general feedback and review process. It makes it super easy to take screens and mark them up - and that it integrates with JIRA makes testing almost fun : )

Get screen video and app logs with every bug on iOS/Android

Tara McNulty
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This app is truly amazing and has reduced the amount of paper junk mail significantly. I'm always surprised that more people don't know about it.

Control Your Mailbox, Stop Unwanted Paper Mail

Tara McNulty
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For anyone learning Japanese, the combination of learning a completely new language and writing system together is challenging to say the least. When I found this app a couple of years ago I felt like my search for the perfect learning tool had finally come to an end. The content and layout are ideally formatted with readings for kanji displayed in the hiragana and katakana characters, not in...

Learning Japanese
A Japanese guide to learning Japanese grammar

Learning Japanese
A Japanese guide to learning Japanese grammar

Shoot Contact Sharing
The best way to organize & share your info anywhere, anytime

Tara McNulty
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I'm not a lawyer but am happy to leave a comment for these guys. I have to admit that when I first came across LawTrades I never thought it would work but it was really decision time for our team and we didn't want 'legal stuff' delaying our launch so I gave it a shot. Within the span of maybe 24 hours at most someone got back to me to let us know that two different firms, both willing and able...
LawTrades Contract Library
Curated attorney-drafted startup contracts

Tara McNulty
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This is one of the few things I can include under my very short list of things I can tag as 'addicting', 'educational' and 'really fun'. While far from my primary source of income, the markets have always been of great interest but finding a way to engage in an ongoing basis where I can test out my own predications (without the risk of losing the house!) in an active community of like minded...

Collaborative Stock Trading