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Matthew Busel
Keep track of your progress reading Paul Graham's essays. - Mark essays as "read" until you've read them all. - Bookmark your favorites to come back to later. - Sort by reading time (no affiliation with Paul Graham or YC)
Paul Graham Essay Tracker
Paul Graham Essay Tracker
Track your progress reading PG's essays
Matthew Busel
Give your spreadsheet edit access to data in apps like HubSpot, Webflow, and Supabase. Bulk edit, collaborate, or build AI workflows directly from Airtable, Notion, or Google Sheets. Dangerously easy to set up.
Whalesync 1.0
Whalesync 1.0
Do things you shouldn’t with spreadsheets
Matthew Busel
Matthew Busel
left a comment
This is awesome! So well executed.
Craft minimalist logos
Matthew Busel
Matthew Busel
left a comment
Wow - love this
Loom AI Workflows
Loom AI Workflows
Turn any loom video into share-ready docs in a click
Matthew Busel
Matthew Busel
left a comment
This is awesome!
ob1 by Outerbase
ob1 by Outerbase
Generate APIs, databases, and your backend with a prompt.
Matthew Busel
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