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max mackey
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This is going to be a game-changer! I've been using Tango since the beginning on one-player mode, excited to unlock more with my teammates & clients.
Tango Guidance
Interactive walkthroughs, created in seconds

max mackey
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Love Tango and the team behind it, it's been such a timesaver!

Tango 2.0
Automatically generate step-by-step guides for your team

max mackey
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Tango has been a game changer for sharing workflows and onboarding new teammates!

Automatically create how-to guides with screenshots

max mackey
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Great launch @dennishegstad!

Get notified when your discount codes leak

max mackey
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Such a great team behind this product, awesome launch!

Moesif API analytics
Real-time insights to build a winning platform

max mackey
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This team is hungry works super fast. Paul used my Chase account to debug a few issues with the legacy chase UI and was able to help me get $$ back.
Pros: Free Money!
Cons: None

Your bank & credit card fees, refunded

max mackey
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thanks for sharing @joshuafechter! Quick follow up on growth hack #34, do you have any metrics around how many free trials converted into paying customers?
25+ Growth Hacks (Updated for 2019)

max mackey
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really excited about Lambda, Austen! I'd def be interested in a part-time program as well. Maybe there is a way for part-time students to pay monthly so you're not taking on so much risk?

Lambda School
A full Computer Science education - free until you get a job

max mackey
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wow this is cool!
Marker 2.0
Send badass screenshots to Slack, Trello, Github and more

max mackey
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Awesome idea @joecode @nick_nacz, forwarding this link to our office manager! We've used Eat Club in the past and it's been just okay, what can we expect from Forkable? How is it different?
A.I. lunch robot that curates & delivers your team lunch

max mackey
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The link to Stamplia goes to a 404 page

Stamplia 2.0
High converting and beautifully designed email templates

max mackey
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this is dope, nice work @mubashariqbal @sethlouey @bentossell

An app store for bots

max mackey
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love SSG! I've been part of this community for 6 months and @charlesjo has been nothing short of amazing.

Startup Study Group (SSG)
A free global Startup Study Group on Slack

max mackey
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this is dope! Do I need to download anything to use it?

1-on-1 teaching and learning via live video

max mackey
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this is dope!
Make This Year
Grow your core business by launching side projects

max mackey
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these are awesome @thismobilife, haha perfect timing
A super affordable, portable standing desk