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Matt Zeunert
See whether your website requires JavaScript to load, and how JS code impacts your Largest Contentful Paint metric and total page weight.
NoScript Test: Check Website Without JS
NoScript Test: Check Website Without JS
See JavaScript impact on rendering and page speed
Matt Zeunert
Passing Google's Core Web Vitals can help you rank higher in search results. This tool measures your Core Web Vitals and alerts you if you can improve your site. It helps you understand how your users are experiencing your site.
DebugBear Real User Monitoring
DebugBear Real User Monitoring
Monitor Real User INP And Other Core Web Vitals
Matt Zeunert
This tool crawls your website and selects one or more random pages. You can rediscover old content and make sure all pages are up to date.
Random Page Tool
Random Page Tool
Crawl a website and find a random page on it
Matt Zeunert
This tool analyses CSS code to identify large rules and selectors. You might find that there are large CSS selectors generated by Sass or assets like images or fonts embedded in the file.
CSS Size Analyzer
CSS Size Analyzer
Identify large CSS rules and selectors
Matt Zeunert
This tool analyzes the loading speed of your website and provides detailed reports that help you optimize it. View how your site renders frame by frame and use identify network requests that slow down your site.
DebugBear Website Speed Test
DebugBear Website Speed Test
Test page speed and get recommendations to improve load time
Matt Zeunert
This tool runs Google's Lighthouse tool with 100 different combinations of network bandwidth and latency. See how users on different connection types would experience your website.
Lighthouse Network Simulation
Lighthouse Network Simulation
Speed metrics for different bandwidth and latency settings
Matt Zeunert
This tool parses HTML code to identify what causes bloated document responses. For example, you might find that there are large inline images or that there's a big chunk of JSON for hydrating a single-page app.
HTML Size Analyzer
HTML Size Analyzer
Identify the cause of bloated HTML code
Matt Zeunert
Measure site performance and drill down into what caused a regression.
DebugBear is website monitoring tool built for front-end teams. Track bundle size, performance metrics, and Lighthouse scores over time and get alerted when there's a problem.
DebugBear 2.0
DebugBear 2.0
Website monitoring for front-end developers
Matt Zeunert

FromJS shows you where each value in the DOM comes from.

An experimental data-flow analysis tool for JavaScript
Matt Zeunert

This tool breaks down the size of a JSON object by property. You can use it when looking for ways to make your API responses smaller, or to store less data in your database.

JSON Size Analyzer
JSON Size Analyzer
A little tool to help you make your JSON data smaller
Matt Zeunert

DebugBear is a website monitoring tool for front-end developers. Track site speed from 10 different locations and benchmark against your competitors.

Front-end website performance monitoring
Matt Zeunert
Observe conversations between interesting people