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The world's first and only (as far as we know) zombie-escape-themed startup runway calculator! 🧟♂️
A fun way to simulate your future cash balance alongside changes to income and expense reductions over time.
Play the game, see if you survive!

Escape the Dead
The only zombie-themed startup runway calculator

Matt Wensing 🐙
left a comment
With valuations falling and the fundraising environment the way it is, we thought it would be fun to release a spooky runway calculator for everyone to enjoy.
This mini-tool is available as a free Next.js template and uses Summit's low-code simulation backend to run all of the math!
Have fun and stay safe out there! 🧟♂️

Escape the Dead
The only zombie-themed startup runway calculator

Matt Wensing 🐙
left a comment
I was proudly one of the first subscribers to SavvyCal and previous user of Calendly.
I have not felt any urge to go back. Try it! You owe it to yourself.

Sending your scheduling link shouldn't feel weird.

SimSaaS is your virtual CFO helping early stage SaaS founders turn traction into CFO-level insights.

Virtual CFO - Growth forecasting for startups and investors.