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Matt Bruno
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I'm flying in for New York for my first Fireside Conference, and I can't wait. It seems like it fixes everything wrong with the typical networking event, and I'm looking forward to really getting to know some great people.
I'd love to hear from you any tips to ensure I get the most out of the experience and what things I can most look forward to!
#🔥 An off-grid retreat for founders, investors, and startups

Matt Bruno
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Seems like a good way to solve the problem of sharing things with friends. I find I typically end up using email which makes it annoying to find and refer to later.

Spaces by Google
Small group sharing for everything in life

Matt Bruno
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Great explaining video, simple and effective.
JackThreads TryOuts
Try first. Pay later. Never buy before you try — ever again

Matt Bruno
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Great idea focusing on the niche travel for event market. Seems like a great way to differentiate from the other sites out there.
Smart trip planning for the 'mission critical' traveler

Matt Bruno
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This looks like a great idea. I'm particularly interested in trying out the pacing aspect. I love the idea of having a web demo to allow for trial before purchasing – it's interesting how most developers don't go that route and instead do a freemium model or no demo at all. Hopefully the tactic works for you!

Your personalized speech coach

Matt Bruno
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I'm usually staunchly against having cases, but this is the first one that is making me reconsider! Great idea.
Air Case
The thinnest iPhone battery case