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Matthew Sander
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Interesting, with the right amount of money one could almost guarantee their 'luck', simultaneously, being in the right position at the right time rarely happens - thus why they call it luck. Most people say 'luck' so they don't appear to be a douche and be thought of as money-centric. I however with 50 years of experience will take money every time as I know with it I can position myself to be...
Money or Luck? ⚖️ Which one would you choose?

Matthew Sander
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I think this app and ContinYou need to go on a date! I like what you're doing here. We both have the same path to creation.

Create and manage a list of things to do before you die

ContinYou lets users leave posthumous messages delivered exactly on time. Birthdays, first child, anniversaries or just general messages to help friends & family remember your stories. AI converts that UGC into personalize characters for virtual conversations.

AI powered conversations & posthumously delivered stories

Matthew Sander
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When my wife lamented not hearing her father sing happy birthday anymore, I realized she was one of many people I've encountered who wished they could still hear & see a parent, sibling, BFF, grandparent or child again; just to hear them say 'happy birthday' or 'happy anniversary' or just a simple 'congrats on the new baby'. Turns out about 78% of people surveyed said the same thing and 59%...

AI powered conversations & posthumously delivered stories

Matthew Sander
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This looks promising, are there tutorials on YT that can flatten the learning curve?

Jet Admin
Build pixel perfect web apps 10x faster

Matthew Sander
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Remus, this looks interesting and is where AI should head - helping people improve mentally, physically and socially. Would love to start a conversation with you.
Speak your heart safely, your AI conversation partner