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Matthew Marshall
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Love it @levandreessen ! So excited for this to get into hands across the country.

RateMyProfessor for police officers & departments

Matthew Marshall
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Loved being part of the beta. I used it for my engineering team and quickly saw only 33% of meetings were ending on time and that 45% of my team wasn't feeling engaged during our meetings. Changes are coming!

Rate a Meeting
Meetings are expensive. Measure and improve remote meetings.

Matthew Marshall
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@delk love that Primer is available now for parents around the country, especially in a time like this. Can't wait to share with parents I know.

Primer Library
The best digital learning resources for homeschooling.

Matthew Marshall
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Hi PH! This is Matthew, one of the cofounders, at New Story the nonprofit that partnered with Icon to develop the first 3D printed home for the developing world :) I'd like to share why we decided to invest in an innovation like this. For context, in 3 years, we've built over 1,000 homes in 11 communities around the world through local partners.
The challenge we face is monumental; there are...

3D printed housing in 24 hours

This is 650-square-foot cement house that was built by a 3D printer. In less than 24 hours. For around only $10k. And ICON, the construction tech firm behind the Vulcan 3D printer that made it happen, says even that cost will eventually come down to around $4k, with build time for complete 400- to 800-square-foot homes possible in 12 to 24 hours.

3D printed housing in 24 hours

Matthew Marshall
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YESSSS! Webflow CMS is a complete game changer. At we not only built our site on webflow, we were accepted into YC, and have raised over $600,000 in donations on webflow. It's an absolutely indispensable product for us. Here's a case study about New Story on webflow ->...

Webflow CMS
Build professional dynamic websites without any code

New Story
Fund life-changing houses for homeless families