Matt Michel

Matt Michel

React/Remix & Supabase. Web & Mobile.
12 points
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Matt Michel
Matt Michel
left a comment
This seems really neat. Mind if I test it out?
End unproductive meetings
Matt Michel
Matt Michel
left a comment
Hey this looks really neat! Can I test it out?
Easily track your stocks, crypto and other assets
Matt Michel
Ever posted your project to Reddit hoping it sticks? r/SideProject sound familiar? Yeah I tried it too. It didn't work. Instead, take the time to make connections, and you'll gain invaluable feedback, community, and, well... users! Do all that on betaForBeta.
Follow for follow? Beta for beta - early stage beta testing.
Matt Michel
The Expensive Button was created to be a highly influential marketing tool that drives traffic to the button owner's website of choice. If you've paid the most for the button, enjoy the traffic for 24 hours, or until someone else pays more than you did.
The Expensive Button
The Expensive Button
Clicks are free, but the highest bidder controls the button.