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Mateo Kaiser
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Sweet idea, I just listened to Soil on your Nature playlist and it looks like that's what I'll be humming to myself all day today.

Sounds Right
An initiative that generates royalties from nature's music

Swarmed is a free service for the public to report honey bee swarms and connect with local beekeepers.

The fastest way to save honey bee swarms

Mateo Kaiser
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Looking forward to using this! I've been updating text on my Amazon KDP listings and could really have used this tool.

Magic Shortcut
Supercharge your workflow with programmable shortcuts

Mateo Kaiser
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Seems like a rabbit hole that I actually want to go down, great job!

Find your next side project in seconds

Mateo Kaiser
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Interesting idea! I've been on the cold calling and email grind these past couple of weeks talking to my test users and trying to get their feedback, and it's absolutely a pain point in the process.

An easy way for your users to give you feedback

Mateo Kaiser
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As a maker who's bad at sketching this seems like a great idea! I'm looking forward to trying this out today with some sketches of an experimental beehive design that I'm working on.
AI Product Design by Pietra
Use AI to design products & packaging and get it made

Mateo Kaiser
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Interesting idea and a nicely made website, congrats!

A new way to explore and discover plants

Mateo Kaiser
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Bee populations are increasingly under pressure from parasites, habitat loss, and disease.
Swarmed tackles how beekeepers and the public respond to honey bee swarms, ensuring they are rescued, not lost or exterminated.
Often an unwelcome nuisance to the public, bee swarms are a valuable resource for beekeepers.
When someone reports a bee swarm, Swarmed notifies local beekeepers, helping...

The fastest way to save honey bee swarms