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Help predict when Stadia will get killed

When will Google kill Stadia?
Help us predict when Stadia will die?

WHIR - What have I read? is your personal book and article library.
You write down the name and a quick summary of the book or article!
It allows you to easily find information about the books and articles you've read!
It's that easy…

WHIR - What have I read
Easily keep track of the books you read

Circle Of Trust, by Reddit
You only get one. Share it wisely.

GDrive_Sync aims at making life simpler when switching from Windows to Linux
This was developed with the aim to create a free and open source GDrive client to make things simpler and users won't need to switch to other cloud file storing platforms or have to pay for commercial clients doing the same.

GDrive Sync
Command Line Interface application for your Google Drive

Allo for Desktop is an unofficial native desktop app for Google Allo.

Allo for Desktop (Unofficial)
A native desktop app for Google Allo