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AI Pollster helps you initiate and conduct opinion polls on topics that interest you, allowing you to make informed decisions based on the poll results.
AI Pollster
AI Pollster
Stop Guessing, Start Polling, Make Informed Decisions.
We often find ourselves in toxic relationships without realizing it, let alone seeking professional help. Reflect AI aims to help you evaluate your relationships and the key events that occur, assisting you in identifying toxic relationships.
Reflect AI
Reflect AI
Pocket Therapist | Relationship Advice | Toxic Relationship
AI Finder aims to be your file search assistant, helping you avoid searching for the desired files in a pile of documents You give instructions, and it can help you find the required files in a cluttered stack of documents.
AI Finder
AI Finder
Your file Golden Retriever
Comprehend is where Anki meets AI. With the help of AI, we can redefine 'mastery' by measuring whether we have truly understood the corresponding concepts, rather than relying on the ability to recite them.
Comprehend: Beyond memorizing
Comprehend: Beyond memorizing
When Anki meets AI | Learning anything with the help of AI.
With this update, we have incorporated a built-in AI model that transcribes podcasts into text, enabling you to consume podcast content much more efficiently.
Podcast, Podcast Transcription, AI Podcast
Podcast to eBook wants to try making podcasts readable and translating them into your familiar language, breaking down information barriers so that you can easily absorb podcasts from around the world.
Podcast to eBook
Podcast to eBook
Make podcasts universally readable
AI Transcribe provides offline AI-Powered transcribe services. Transcription feature is set to be fully functional offline without an active internet connection. No data get uploaded. Your data will not be transferred.
AI Transcribe
AI Transcribe
Offline Audio to Text Transcription
A money management app helps to practice 6 jars money management system and visualized your income and expense pattern
Split - Money Manager
Split - Money Manager
Practice 6 jars money management system
Lightcast is an elegant podcast player that make it easy to download podcast, manage your podcast subscription, and transcribe podcast to text. It's neat. Elegantly designed. No recommendation algorithm. No social media. Just a simple podcast player.
Just a simple podcast player, no recommendation algorithm
Like Alfred to batman, Jarvis to Ironman, or Friday to Robinson, Ouroboros is a dev pal to developers.
Ouroboros is a one stop workspace for developers, one stop solution to improve developer productivity.
Let's boost your productivity~
One Stop Workspace for Developers