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Magento 2 Edit Order Extension makes the process smoother since it allows you to edit order number, status, customers information, shipping&billing addresses, shipping, and payment methods, and even ordered items.

Magento 2 Order Editor
Edit all order details within one page without cancellation

With the Auto Related Products Extension, you can configure the rules and display related, cross-sell and up-sell items based on conditions. It provides a more targeted experience for your customers and boost your sales due to better product relations.
Magento 2 Automatic Related Products
Boost your sales and provide better shopping experience

Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension helps you to set up product structured data on your store with no technical knowledge, from the admin panel. You can define price, reviews, rating, availability, organization, and search box rich snippets to be displayed in search.

Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension
Improve website visibility in search results

Magento 2 SEO Extension helps you to improve store ranking, positions in SERP, traffic and revenue by setting product and category metadata masks, applying keywords, setting up canonical tags, creating automatic redirects and more. It helps you to rank better!

Magento 2 SEO Extension
Improve SEO-related features of your store in a few clicks

Magento 2 Coupon Code Link extension will help you to achieve this through coupon automation. Customers no longer have to copy and apply coupon codes manually. This extension applies the coupon in one click which boost customers shopping experience.

Magento 2 Coupon Code Link
Coupon Code Automation Tool

Better Magento 2 Checkout extension will help you customize Magento checkout, removes header and footer, adds multiple payment methods images and order commend. This extension allows you to streamline the checkout process and make it attractive.

Better Magento 2 Checkout Extension
Make Magento Checkout Page Attractive and Easy to Navigate

Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension allows you to integrate Facebook pixel into your Magento 2 website pages without effort. Besides, Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension allows you to integrate your store catalog and categories into Facebook in one click.

Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension
Facebook Pixel Integration Extension

Configure admin email notifications and receive messages about low stock status, new reviews and disabled cache. Don't miss any important things and get notified via email. Improve notification management with Magento 2 Admin Email Notifications extension.

Magento 2 Admin Email Notifications
Notification Management Tool

Magento 2 default order grid doesn't provide you enough information to manage orders productively. That is why you need Magento 2 Better Order Grid Extension. It allows you to customize order grid, delete orders, change order status colors and much more.

Magento 2 Better Order Grid
Order management tool

Say goodbye to the 503 maintenance page for good. Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployment extenison helps you reduce the downtime to ZERO. That means, no, broken website, no inconvenient time deployment, no bouncing off.

Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployment
Deployment with Zero Downtime

Magento 2 Admin View extension allows you to customize your admin panel as per your brand. It enables you to change the logos, hide admin footer information and most importantly completely change admin panel color schema.

Magento 2 Admin View Extension
Magento 2 Admin Panel Color Schema and Logo Chaging Tool

Magento 2 Product Grid Editor is the extension that allows you to edit product attributes and their values directly from the admin, edit product info of a single or multiple products, filter product grid, drag and drop columns, save grid templates, etc.

Magento 2 Product Grid Inline Editor
Product Grid Editor for Effective Product Info Editing

Zensesk Chat module is a complex solution that recuses the impact of the third-party code on your website performance and pulls out customer data if they are logged in. That allows you to quickly refer to some customers.

Magento 2 Zendesk Chat Extension
Optimized Support Chat for Magento 2 Stores

Magento 2 Image Optimization Extension allows you to convert all your website pictures into WebP format reducing their size with the slight quality change and enable lazy loading of those images on your website.

Magento 2 Image Optimization Extension
Image Optimization Tool

Magento Blgo extension is a grest contribution to your marketing strategy since it helps you to drive more traffic to your website and improve SEO simultaniously. Imagine what could you achive having 2 separate blogs with simialr features and benefits?

Magento 2 Multi Blog Extension
Traffic Generation Tool

Magento 2 Blog extension has the extended version with such options as:
-Auto-Related Products and Posts
-Related Products Rule
-Advanced Permalink Settings
-Auto-Publish Posts To Facebook
-Blog Post Newsletter Subscription
-and many more.

Magento 2 Blog Extension Extra
Premium version of Magento 2 Blog Extension

If you want to improve your SEO you need to improve your website performance optimizing images to the next-gen format WebP. This module allows you to conert images on your website to the new WebP format with the slight quality changes.

Magento 2 WebP Optimized Images
Image Optimization Tool

Looking for a solution to translate content on your Magento 2 store directly from the admin? With the Translation tool you just need to set the word, its equivalent and assign it to the store view.
Satisfy your customers with a quality content!

Magento 2 Translation Extension
FREE Magento 2 Tlanslation Tool

Do you have some special info or offer to share with only some customers?
With CMS Display Rules you are able to restrict the display static blocks and pages to different customers, by date, weekday and exact time according to product and cart attributes.

Magento 2 CMS Display Rules Extension
CMS Pages and Blocks Visibility Manager