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    Mark Lucking
    Mark Lucking
    started a discussion

    If you could go back in time and re-invent something, what would it be? But there is a catch!

    I thought it could be an interesting topic for the weekend and interesting to see what people would re-invent. However, the catch is that it can't be an expensive product or digital. So no Google, Apple, or Microsoft. You can only re-invite low cost items to buy. For example, I thought about going back and inventing the wooden spoon. Every house has one, they cost very little but if you had...
    Mark Lucking
    Mark Lucking
    started a discussion

    What not to do before launching on Product Hunt?

    I often see a lot of posts about what to do before launch, and they are all great. But what have you done or experienced that shouldn't be done before launching on Product Hunt?
    Mark Lucking
    Mark Lucking
    started a discussion

    What has been your favourite product on PH?

    Every time on come on product hunt I find something new and exciting, which is why I love this platform. The mix of ideas, companies and software's are great, and sometimes it is the simplest ideas that make me wonder, why didn't I think of that. I tried thinking of what my favourite product I have seen on here, but I had so many. One of my favourites lately was the Doom Captcha. What has...
    Mark Lucking
    Mark Lucking
    started a discussion

    What advice would you go back and give yourself when joining PH?

    I joined a a couple of months ago and love the community, but it took me time to get used to the platform and know how to engage. I wanted to know, what advice would you go back and give yourself when joining PH? I think for myself it would have been doing an intro post, maybe asking for tips on how to use the platform. I think this was had stopped me from really engage with the community.