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Mark Dodgson
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I feel like I'm standing at a trade show booth, anxiously ready to answer any questions with way too much detail, and enthusiasm 😅

Context for Shopify
Right content, to the right customers, at the right time.

Context offers the ability to change your Shopify banners, images, and marketing messages based on rules in real-time 🦾. Create multiple variations of your content, and control when those variations are displayed, and to whom. 🚀

Context for Shopify
Right content, to the right customers, at the right time.

Mark Dodgson
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Hey hunters – I'm Mark, one of the creators of Context, a content personalization app for Shopify. I have to admit, I’m a little anxious about the fact that we’re putting this out into the world. 😬
We’ve worked on some pretty large e-commerce stores over the years. As a part of building out those stores, we’ve integrated personalization tools and strategies. In many cases, the tooling and...

Context for Shopify
Right content, to the right customers, at the right time.

Mark Dodgson
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We are... Super excited, and quite anxious. Good luck to all of the other product owners this week.
Whos launching this week?
Piotr Pawłowski
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Mark Dodgson
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My company has been fully remote since day one. As many of you know, working remotely blurs the lines between work and home life.
I installed a HUE bulb in my desktop lamp, and set rules that turn it on and off at specific times of the day.
I will not sit at my desk until the light is on... And I shut things down at the end of the day when the light goes off (of course there are some...
How do you end your workday and call it a day?
Elif Duran
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Mark Dodgson
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Swap your Shopify banners, images, and marketing messages based on rules in real-time 🚀
Describe the best feature of your product in one sentence
Gloria G
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Mark Dodgson
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I have two strategies I use. I'll either walk away for a short period of time to take a quick break, or I'll time box a task.
Shorter, set timeframes appear less daunting. I find that deciding on a task, and setting a physical timer for a short period of time (ie. 20 minutes) helps me stay focused and knock out work.
How do you get back to work when you lose focus?
Ezgi Aydın
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