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Free Dashboards is a 100% free marketing visualization tool. Use marketing templates and create real-time reports in seconds without paying for connectors to include data from Google, Meta, Linkedin or TikTok. Besides, you can send data to Google Sheets.

Free Dashboards by Master Metrics
Free Marketing Visualization AI Tool. No connectors needed.

Mariano San Juan
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Hi! I’m Mariano, one of Free Dashboards makers. Here’s some more info about the product:
--> Key features <--
-Free Digital Marketing Real-Time Dashboards for more than 10 data sources such as Meta, Linkedin Ads, TikTok, Google Environment, Facebook Fan Page and so on.
-AI Summaries
-Google Sheet Export & Schedule.
-Templates are also available.
--> Who is it for? <--

Free Dashboards by Master Metrics
Free Marketing Visualization AI Tool. No connectors needed.

Mariano San Juan
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Great idea! Thanks for sharing ! Good luck

ScriptMe Lite
Transcribe unlimited audio and video to text

Mariano San Juan
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I work in a marketing team for a SaaS Company.
We need to update cohorts crossing information from ad networks such as Google or Meta with our lead's information in Hubspot....just to understand the Cost per QUALIFIED lead for EACH Campaign (before we optimize our campaigns by cost per lead, but cheapest leads often convert badly inside the funnel)....
Updating this every week is...
What’s your job and which part would you like to automate?
Bart Drijver
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Mariano San Juan
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There 're many awesome books...but I would choose only one...
The lean Start doubts
What resources (books, blogs, podcasts, etc.) have you found most helpful in growing your startup?
Hyung Moon
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Mariano San Juan
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"5 am club" by Robin Sharma I would add
Set yourself up for success in business with these must-read books!
Alien Intelligence
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Mariano San Juan
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Build a list as large as possible of potential customers that you have talked with...get ideas, pivot your product, decline features, add new ones and ask them if they would at list try your product whenever the MVP is ready...offer them money in exchange of their feedback if you cannot get it for free, you really need this..
Can you offer advice to startups in their early stages who want to launch a successful features?
Batuhan Cebi
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Mariano San Juan
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Hi Christian! Which channels would you recommend for scaling a Marketing SaaS similar to Supermetrics that also includes a Management section similar to Trello?
What is the process of scaling a startup and how do you ensure sustainable growth?
Christian Canlubo 🚀
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Mariano San Juan
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Reddit and Discord here!
What’s one acquisition channel you want to explore more? Why?
Sveta Bay
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