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The Similar Laptop Finder finds the laptop most similar to yours via the euclidean distance of the specifications.

The Similar Laptop Finder
Finds the Laptop Most Similar to Yours

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Interactive Comparison of 100 Laptops with Matte Screens
Laptops with matte screens are hard to find. Here are 100.

Marek Gibney
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This is an experimental alternative to the popular “customers who bought product x also bought product y” recommendations. It finds smartphones that have the most similar specs to a given phone.

Similar Phone Finder
Find phones with the most similar specs to your favorite one

Similar Phone Finder
Find phones with the most similar specs to your favorite one

The 3D-Printer Chart
An interactive comparison of 150 3D-Printers

Marek Gibney
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This has been brewing as a side project since March last year when I first did a chart of the 200 most popular flash drives. So I decided to turn this into a full fledged project on its own this year. Got a proper domain name and made a homepage for it. So here it is.!

Product Chart
Interactive comparison charts of laptops, smartphones & more

Product Chart
Interactive comparison charts of laptops, smartphones & more