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Mani Batra
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Hey everyone!
I like the tab-switching behaviour in Chrome/Firefox and wanted Safari to have something similar. Another wish of mine was for it to be a web extension that feels native to the browser vs an app extension that looks out of place.
Say hello to TapTab:
TapTab feels right at home in Safari and is loaded with features to improve how you...

Switch tabs with a tap in Safari

Tab switcher for Safari
Used by those in a rush.
Built with power users in mind. It was time Safari got a web extension that lets you move around tabs similar to how one does when using Chrome or

Switch tabs with a tap in Safari

Mani Batra
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This is awesome!! Have spend hours hunting the webs for design resources when building something new! You did all the hard work for us! Thanks!!

Collection of the best free web design resources.

The site is not active as the API used is not working. Check out for design skeleton.

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