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    Malaz Madani
    Malaz Madani
    started a discussion

    How I Tricked Myself into Getting Things Done

    You know how we trick ourselves into "just one more episode" or "just one more scroll", and suddenly hours have vanished? Lately, I thought why not use that on myself for something good... These past two weeks, I set a goal to run 5 miles every morning. Some days, like today, I felt lazy, wanted to stay in bed, but I told myself I'd at least go for a walk... Next thing I know, I'm running,...
    Malaz Madani
    Malaz Madani
    started a discussion

    So OpenAI unleashed ChatGPT Search and the internet will change… forever

    Let’s start with a bit of history… Remember the first time you used a search engine? (If your birth year starts with a 2, this might feel like ancient history 🙈).The internet was a mess back then, and finding accurate, timely information was a real mission. Then Google came along with its PageRank magic, and everything suddenly changed; the stuff we actually wanted showed up right at the...
    Malaz Madani
    ‘أراجيك مجتمع‘.. مُلتقى ومساحة تفاعلية لنشر وتبادل المعرفة بموضوعية وبدون تحّيز، نسعى من خلالها الى إثراء المحتوى الرقمي العربي والإجابة عن التساؤلات المعرفية والحياتية وتبسيطها لتناسب مختلف شرائح القراء والرد على تساؤلاتهم.

    أراجيك مجتمع
    أراجيك مجتمع
    مُلتقى ومساحة تفاعلية لنشر وتبادل الأفكار والمعرفة بموضوعية